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1.秀 陈: chan soo 胡: huong ...

5.寿 郡守与里长 Small Town Rivals 寿 Soo 那家伙的声音 Voice of a murderer ...

6.秀英的秀i 可爱吧?这次我们新收养的孩子~之所以太妍帮牠取名叫做 Soop 是因为:秀珍、秀英,两个人秀珍、秀英的秀(Soo 둘)、姐 …



1.Soo next time people invite you to their homes. psten carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just trying to be friendly ?所以当下次有人邀请你去他家做客时。一定要听清楚。也许它是个真正的邀请。又或者只是想和你关系更进一些?。

2.Restaurant worker Baek Mun-soo said he pkes the fresh taste of pve octopus tentacles. "Live means fresh, " he said.饭店工人门敏洙说他喜欢吃新鲜的活章鱼的触手。

3.I loved him soo ooo much not because how much money he has.我是真的那么的爱他,并不是因为他多么的有钱。

4.BOK Gov. Kim Choong-soo said the won's value was one of many factors influencing the decision to hold the interest rate steady.韩国央行行长金仲秀(KimChoong-soo)说,韩圆汇率是影响央行维持利率不变决定的许多因素之一。

5.Choi Byung-soo said that when he first heard the thud of artillery, he thought it was a training exercise for South Korean forces.ChoiByung-soo说,当他听到大炮“砰”的声音时,还以为是韩国部队在训练演习。

6.I started taking pulsatilla and within a week, my acne was soo much better!我开始尝试这个产品,一周内,我的痘痘改善了很多。

7.As the bus was passing by, Hyun-soo runs in the rains and waves his hands to Eun-jun sitting beside the window. . .讯修在雨中跑着,当列车从他身边驶过时,他向坐在窗边的银珠挥着手。

8.Q. I don't have a question but just a thanks. Thank you for making the Looking For Group tool. It's soo ooo useful.我没有问题只是想表示自己的感谢。谢谢你们增添的寻求队伍的工具。它太太太太太有用了。

9.But in 1955 claim that the United States was a magician Chung Ling Soo is carrying debt, why they staged a carefully planned suicide show.不过1955年美国一位魔术师宣称当时程连苏正背负债务,所以才上演了一出精心计划的自杀表演。

10.and it made me confused for a mmt. and i got my confidence back coz i met with soo ooo many desperate housewives.这种意见曾让我迷茫了一小会儿,但现在我找回了我的自信因为我遇到了太多绝望的主妇们。