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1.But Professor Fuchs says most school systems require additional testing to confirm the presence of a disabipty.但是Fuchs教授认为大多数学校需要额外的测试来确定能力障碍的存在。

2." Planet of the apes" series is a twentieth Century Fuchs film company 's best-loved and grossing film in the series of.“人猿星球”系列是二十世纪福斯电影公司最受观众喜爱及卖座的系列影片之一。

3."These things are quivering heaps of excess baggage, " sighs Peter Fuchs, an independent equities analyst.独立的股票分析师彼得。富克斯叹息道:“这些只不过是一只因超负荷喘不过气来的怪物”。

4.Lynn Fuchs is a special education professor at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.田纳西州,纳什维尔范得比特大学的LF是一位特殊教育学教授。

5.Burks A. W. , Fuchs R. L. 1995. Assessment of the endogenous allergens in glyphosate-tolerant and commercial soybean varieties.抗草甘膦转基因大豆与商业化大豆品种中内生的变应原的评估。

6.Pepperl+Fuchs offers a wide range of photoelectric sensors , fiber optic cables, & accessories.倍加福提供及配件广泛的光电传感器,光纤电缆。

7.Professor Fuchs explains that the traditional way is to test students who are faipng.教授解释到,传统的方法是测试那些失败的学生。

8.The triangulation and trilateration data were also checked for blunders applying the Ll norm technique (Fuchs 1980).检测三角测量和三角边测量术数据是用来发现错误,使用的是L-1标准技术(Fuchs1980)。

9.Professor Fuchs says the process usually involves about eight to ten weeks of small group tutoring.Fuchs教授说,这个过程通常涉及大约8到10周的小组辅导。

10.Pepperl+Fuchs with the brand VISOLUX is an innovator of photoelectric sensing technologies.倍加福的品牌VISOLUX是一个光电传感技术的创新者。