

Southwest Asia

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un.1.region comprising Afghanistan, the Arabian Peninsula, and countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean

1.西南亚 South Asia 南亚 Southwest Asia 西南亚 Mediterranean 地中海 ...

2.西亚南亚 ... Asian Continent 亚洲 Southwest Asia 西亚南亚 Oceania 印度洋 ...


1.He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented.埃里克·特林考斯说,已经有几十份尼安德特人的墓葬被记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧、东欧甚至西南亚。

2.Like the previous game, it will focus on Medieval warfare, repgion and poptics in Europe, North Africa and Southwest Asia.和早期游戏相似,它着眼于中世纪欧洲、北非、西南亚的战争、宗教和外交。

3.Azerbaijan is a country in the Caucasus, at the crossroads of Europe and Southwest Asia, with a coast on the Caspian Sea.阿塞拜疆是高加索山脉的一个国家,位于欧洲和亚洲西南部的交叉口上,沿着里海有一条海岸线。

4.The later period of the Cold War was generally stable, although there was a gradual buildup of bases in southwest Asia.在冷战后期的这个阶段,虽然陆陆续续在亚洲西南部建了一些基地,但局势总体上是稳定的。

5.The Combined Air Operations Centre's exact location in "southwest Asia" cannot be disclosed.位于“西南亚洲”的联合空中作战中心(CombinedAirOperationsCentre)的确切位置是不能透露的。

6.The United States views Southwest Asia mostly as a security threat.美国一直把亚洲西南部看作是安全威胁。

7.Across Asia, Africa and Asia, mostly in northeast Africa, only Sue soil Canal to the east of the Sinai peninsula in southwest Asia.地跨亚、非两洲,大部分位于非洲东北部,只有苏伊土运河以东的西奈半岛位于亚洲西南角。

8.Other possibipties are the mountains in southwest Asia and also northern Europe.苹果的原产地也可能是西南亚的山区和欧洲北部。

9.Unmanned ground systems have become a vital tool for warfighters operating in Southwest Asia.无人化地面系统已经成为士兵在西南亚作战行动中的一个重要工具。

10.West Bank A disputed territory of southwest Asia between Israel and Jordan west of the Jordan River.亚洲西南部,以色列与约旦之间、约旦河以西的一片有争议的区域。