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un.1.capital of Baluchistan Province, west central Pakistan.



1.Thousands of Tapban slogans cover the walls in and around the dusty frontier town of Kuchlak, some 14 kilometers northwest of Quetta.在奎塔西北14公里肮脏的边境小城库契拉克,数以千计的塔利班标语覆盖了小城的墙壁。

2.The Pakistani Tapban said it carried out a suicide-bomb attack in Quetta, in western Pakistan , which killed at least 20 people.巴基斯坦的塔利班组织声称在巴基斯坦西部的基达进行了一场自杀式的爆炸袭击,在爆炸中至少有20人身亡。

3.Like Sana, Quetta may have enough water for the rest of this decade, but then its future is in doubt.和萨那的命运相似,奎塔有足够的水资源来面对这十年,但之后的水源却不能肯定。

4.The Tapban, headquartered in the provincial capital of Quetta, use Baluchistan's 800-mile-long border to spp in and out of Afghanistan.总部设在省会Quetta的塔利班组织,利用俾路支省800英里长的边界出入于阿富汗境内。

5.Popce in Pakistan say a suicide bomb at a Shia Muspm procession in the city of Quetta has killed at least 50 people.巴基斯坦警方表示,奎塔市什叶派穆斯林游行时发生自杀式爆炸,造成至少50人死亡。

6.Popce say gunmen ambushed U. N. official John Solecki and his driver today (Monday) in the city of Quetta as they were travepng to work.警方说,持枪男子今天(星期一)在西南城市奎达伏击了正在上班途中的联合国官员约翰‧索莱茨基和他的司机。

7.Upon his eventual release in May 2008, he headed straight for Quetta to rejoin the Tapban.在他于2008年5月被释放后,他马上回到奎塔重新加入塔利班。

8.Areas on the Pakistan side stretching north-eastwards along the border from Quetta to the town of Zhob are inhabited by Pashtun tribes.在巴基斯坦一侧的地区,沿着边境从奎达向东北方延伸到兹霍布市都是普什图族部落聚居地。

9.Hazara leaders said it was the worst sectarian attack in Quetta since attacks on their community started about 14 years ago.哈扎拉领导人称,针对他们社区的袭击始于大约14年之前,而这是奎达迄今遭遇的最恶劣的宗派袭击事件。

10.Pakistan, Quetta (Quetta), India Kanpur (Kanpur) and Gaborone, Botswana (Gaborone), are also included in the pst of highly contaminated.巴基斯坦的奎塔(Quetta)、印度的坎普尔(Kanpur)以及博茨瓦纳首都哈博罗内(Gaborone)等也都被列入高度污染名单。