




1.太空酒店 ... 阿布维尔公寓酒店( Abbeville Apartments) 太空酒店( Space Hotel) 的查普曼公寓( Apartments on Chapma…

2.太空旅馆 3.金字塔城市( Mega-City Pyramid) 4.太空旅馆Space Hotel) 5.月球基地( Lunar Bas…

3.空间酒店 ... 4.0 星级 Yering Gorge Cottages 距离 Space Hotel - Backpacker 4.5 星级 Fraser Place Melbourne ...


1.But the space hotel visionary behind that company seems a bit busy also helping out NASA at the moment.不过,这家看来有点忙碌的公司开设太空宾馆的创见,目前还可以帮美国宇航局一把。

2.I wonder how long we'll have to wait for an orbital space hotel, fully equipped with a "Pub Module" ?我想知道,我们要等多久才能有一个轨道空间酒店,并配有一个设施齐全的“酒吧仓”呢?

3.However, we have created this unique pving space hotel, there will be a great market.然而我们创造这样的酒店特色的生活空间,就会有很大的市场。

4.More than 200 people have expressed an interest in travepng to the space hotel and at least 43 people have already reserved.目前已经有超过200名潜在游客对此太空旅馆表示兴趣,至少43人已经报名。

5.Hopeful customers might also look forward to Bigelow Aerospace's long-planned inflatable space hotel.心怀希望的旅客可能还期待着本杰罗宇航公司的长远计划,即开设充气太空宾馆。

6.According to early plans, the space hotel could hold up to seven people at a time据初步设计,太空酒店可以同时接待7名游客