




1.同伴教育、朋辈教育制度的概念及意义(一)朋辈教育制度的概念朋辈教育(peer education)的原义是指具有相同背景或是由于某种原因使 …

4.朋辈教育的原意 ... ) rabbits with different ages 不同龄兔 ) peer education 同龄教育 ) retirement at the same age 同龄退休 ...

6.同侪性教育同侪性教育Peer Education) »中山樵徵稿活动 蒸‧电锅无双!


1.Conclusion Carrying out peer education activities among out-of-school teenager is an effective way.结论在校外青少年人群中开展预防艾滋病同伴教育是行之有效的方法。

2.Outreach and peer education have been effectively used to reach such populations.外展服务和同伴教育已被有效用于此类人群。

3.Methods: The peer education and the comprehensive behavior intervention were carried out among the migrant workers.方法:同伴教育和综合行为干预的方法在建筑工地民工中进行艾滋病的行为干预。

4.And serious teaching is different from peer education and training adopted a "very cordial" manner.与严肃的教学不同,同伴教育培训采用的是一种“非常亲切”的方式。

5.Methods Questionnaire survey about knowledge and attitude towards AIDS was conducted in 163 undergraduate peer education candidates.方法对北京市大学生同伴教育候选人163名进行艾滋病知识、态度的问卷调查。

6.Yesterday, for the training of students who are from Hunan University, the training of peer education alpance masters.昨日,为新生们进行培训的,是来自湖南大学同伴教育同盟的培训师们。

7.Results: The feasible peer education network has been estabpshed and the knowledge and behaviors of target population have changed.建立了行之有效的同伴教育网络,促进目标人群的知识提高及行为的改变。

8.Conclusions It is feasible and effective to conduct peer education among obese pupils.结论在小学生中用同伴教育的方式开展肥胖干预,是现实可行的方法。

9.Bank projects include "peer education" among IV drug users.世行项目包括静脉吸毒者之间的相互教育内容。

10.Conclusion: The effect of peer education is remarkable, and the method should be used widely.结论:在性服务工作者中进行同伴教育效果显著,值得推广。