




1.太空猴 ... Mini Golf Wacky Worlds( 迷你高尔夫) Space Monkey太空猴) Family Guy:Uncensored( 搞怪家人) ...

2.太空猴子 Dark Matter 暗物质 Space Monkey 太空猴子 Red Pill 红药丸 ...

3.太空猩猩[太空猩猩Space Monkey)]是为 WWF(World Wildpfe Fund) - 世界自然基金会拍摄的一部公益广告。旨在保护野生动物与 …


1.In one corner of the kitchen, a space monkey squats on the cracked pnoleum and studies himself in a hand mirror.厨房角落里,一个太空猴蹲坐在烂兮兮的油毛毯上,从手持镜里重新认识自己。

2.The space monkey with the hand mirror is eyeing us so I tell Marla we have to leave.手持镜子的太空猴盯着我们,我告诉玛拉,我们得换个地方。

3."Besides, " the space monkey says, "you haven't brought the required items: two black shirts, two pair of black pants-"“另外”太空猴说“你没带必须品:两件黑T恤,两条黑裤子—”

4.Down the basement stairs, one space monkey is reading to the other space monkeys.地下室台阶下,某个太空猴正对着其他猴宣读着。

5.The space monkey looks at himself squatting in his hand mirror. "I am the shit and infectious human waste of creation. "太空猴从手持镜里盯着自己说“我是一个有传染性的人渣。”

6.That's a long time for a Space Monkey to confront all his fears对一个太空猴来说真是个漫长的面对恐惧的岁月

7.They've rolled up the carpet in Space Monkey town他们已经卷起了太空猴之城的地毯

8.The Space Monkey was reportedly last sighted about对太空猴的报道的最后的一幕就是