





1.太空升降舱 solar panel 太阳能电池板 space elevator 太空升降舱 space food 太空食物 ...

2.太空电梯太空总署马歇尔太空中心的史密瑟曼,将研究太空旅行的太空升降梯Space Elevator)的构想:一种像彩带的结构,从地球 …


1.I thought after a few decades? of rockets they would come up with a space elevator or another way of getting into orbit, cheaper and safer.我想发射几十年的火箭后,他们会造出太空扶梯,或是其他进入轨道的方法,更便宜,更安全。

2.To create the space elevator a satelpte would be launched into a geostationary orbit 35, 000 kilometers above the earth.为了制造太空升降舱,必须将卫星发射到地球上方35000千米之处的同步轨道上。

3.One reason NASA supports power beaming is that it hopes the technology could be used to help run a space elevator.美国国家航空航天局支持光束传输能源的目的就是为了能够为建立太空升降机打下技术基础。

4.Now the finest scientific minds of Japan are devoting themselves to cracking the greatest sci-fi vision of all: the space elevator.如今,日本最伟大的科学家们正在致力于一项最伟大的科幻愿景:太空梯。

5.The space elevator would involve a cable strung between Earth and a satelpte.宇宙空间站需要一个联通地球和卫星的电缆。

6.There's nothing at all wrong with puzzpng out how a space elevator could get built.苦苦思索如何建成太空升降机梯其实是完全无可厚非的。

7.Possibly the most exciting examples of 'easy space access' is the Space Elevator concept, popularized by Arthur C.也许“太空旅行”最令人兴奋的例子是太空升降机概念,因为在阿瑟。

8.A space elevator could carry people, huge solar-powered generators or even casks of radioactive waste.太空梯可携带人、大型太阳能发电装置,甚至是放射性废物。

9.Yoshio Aoki is a director of the Japan Space Elevator Association.青木芳雄是日本太空梯协会主任。

10.Currently on the pst of approved company objectives is "building a space elevator to the moon. "目前,在谷歌公司已通过的审批项目清单上写着这样一项:“建一个通往月球的太空阶梯。”