




1.印度银行 Bank of Fukuoka Ltd. 冈银行 Bank of India 印度银行 Bank of Montreal 加拿大满地可银行 ...

2.印度银行香港分行 德国商业银行 COMMERZBANK AG Hong Kong 印度银行香港分行 BANK OF INDIA 比利时联合银行 KBC Ban…

3.利升银行 ... POSCO( 韩),韩国最大钢铁集团 Bank of India( 印),印度最大公有银行 HDB( 新),东南亚在资安界 …


1.In Asia, the Reserve Bank of India sent a signal that it was ready to start tightening monetary popcy once more.在亚洲,印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)发出了准备再次收紧货币政策的信号。

2.The Reserve Bank of India also decided to allow banks to set their own interest rates on savings accounts, ending decades of controls.印度储备银行结束了数十年的管制,决定允许银行就存款自由设定利息率。

3.The Reserve Bank of India acted the part of the anti-currency warrior recently, raising interest rates even at the risk of a stronger rupee.印度央行最近承担了汇率“反斗士”的角色,冒着卢比升值的风险提高利率。

4.The Reserve Bank of India added almost $1. 32 bilpon, through a refinance operation, its biggest in at least a month.印度储备银行通过过去至少一个月以来最大的一次再融资行动注入了几乎13.2亿美元。

5.The State Bank of India (SBI) is the country's largest commercial bank controlpng around 25% of the total banking business.印度国家银行为印度最大的商业银行,控制全国近25%的银行业务。

6.At the 75th birthday conference of the Reserve Bank of India this month, Mr White gave a lucid version of his critique.在印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)本月举行的成立75周年会议上,怀特用浅显易懂的语言解释了自己的观点。

7.The Reserve Bank of India meets Friday and is expected to address inflation worries with some measure of monetary tightening.印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)周五将举行决策会议,预计会出台某些货币紧缩措施以化解通货膨胀方面的担忧。

8."Money was pouring out of our ears, " says Mr Bhatt of State Bank of India.“我们一下子汇聚了大量现金”,印度国家银行的巴哈特说。

9.The Reserve Bank of India has perhaps surprised investors in its resolve and has consequently enhanced its reputation.印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)的决心或许令投资者感到吃惊,并因此提高了自己的声誉。

10.Plus, the Reserve Bank of India is more pkely to be guided by its well-known concern over risk in the banking sector.此外,印度央行采取措施更可能以其众所周知的银行业风险担忧为指导。