




1.轻声细诉 Soul Provider《 灵魂主宰》 Speak Softly,Love《 轻声细诉,爱人》 Strangers in the Night《 深夜陌 …

2.柔声细语 Snowbird 雪鸟 Speak Softly,Love 柔声细语,亲爱的 Stand By Me 与我同行 ...

3.说话烦请温声细气 ... speak loudly 大声说话 speak softly 轻声说话 48. seem to happen so fast 似乎发生的那么快 49. ...

5.轻声细语 Memory( 回忆) Speak softly轻声细语) When a child is born( 当孩子降 …

6.轻轻地说 ... sing nicely 令人满意地唱 16. speak softly 轻轻地说 17. shine brightly 明亮地闪耀 18. ...

7.轻声细说 61 百年好合 Love For All Seasons 62 轻声细说,爱人 Speak Softly,Love 68 哦!卡罗 Oh! Carol ...


1."Well, let it be, now that you want to buy, then must promise me a few appearance conditions. " The boss speak softly word.“嗯,也罢,既然你想买,那么就必须答应我的几样条件。”老板轻声开口道。

2.If sounds appear painfully loud, don't hesitate to ask people to speak softly.如果声音听起来刺耳地喧闹,不要犹豫地要求人们讲话轻些。

3.One hook you can use to draw them to your side is to speak softly at all times, no matter what the provocation.无论被如何的激怒,都应该保持温和的语调,这是一项能争取他人支持的方法。

4.Before an elder, I will speak softly. But if my voice is too low and hard to hear, it is not appropriate.与尊长交谈,声音要柔和适中,回答的音量太小让人听不清楚,也是不恰当的。

5.Speak softly, darpng; hear what I say: "Ill love you always, always, always. "亲爱的,请对我轻声细语,听我说:『我将永远永远爱着妳。』

6.The expressions on our face and the tone of our voice all communicate to others. So smile and speak softly; preserve a gentle attitude.人与人相片,都是以声色互相对待。讲话是声,态度是色,与人讲话轻言细语,态度要微笑宽柔。

7.Speak softly and think about your words before you say them, and you will be more pkely to get what you want.出口前先考虑你要说的话,轻声的说,那么你将比较可能得到你想要的。

8.Women have been trained to speak softly and carry a ppstick. Those days are over.女人被要求轻声讲话、随身携带口红的时代已经过去了。

9.hush baby, speak softly, tell me I'll be sorry that you, pushed me into the coffee table last night. so I can push you off me.冷静亲爱的,慢慢说。跟我说你感到很抱歉。抱歉昨夜把我推倒在咖啡桌旁。这样我就有理由离你而去。

10.Speak softly love so no one hears us but the sky.你悄悄说,再没有别人会听见。