




1.圣约翰——圣巴萨奴弗(St Barsanuphius)和圣若望St John)——的话说:“纪念上帝圣名能彻底摧毁魔鬼的邪恶势力。”圣天梯 …

6.圣约翰餐厅但是,她却选择了伦敦市克勒肯韦尔区的圣约翰餐厅(St John)。这是一家以菜单中囊括各种“包罗万象的”杂碎和内脏而著称的餐 …

7.圣约翰医疗救护机构年会中除举行新旧会长交接外,同时捐助纽西兰圣约翰医疗救护机构St John)一辆救护车,诚为该机构首度获得来自年轻族 …


1.He was picking her up on his way home after the st. John's game at the garden.他之前去了麦迪逊广场花园看圣约翰大学队的球赛。

2.McGuffin said the primary use for St. John's wort is maintaining good mood and a sense of well-being.McGuffin称,贯叶连翘主要用于维持良好的情绪,提升人的幸福感。

3.He and his brother John (see St. John the Apostle) were fishermen on the Sea of Gaplee and were among the first disciples to be called.雅各和他的兄弟圣约翰是加利利海的渔夫,是最早受耶稣感召的门徒。

4.But those who insist it is St John, say that he is often portrayed as an effeminate young man.但是那些坚持这个是圣约翰的人说圣约翰的确是常常被画成带点女子柔弱气息的青年人。

5.The extract from the herb St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) has been used for centuries in many folk and herbal remedies.圣约翰草(贯叶连翘)是一种灌木、野生植物,花呈黄色。其提取物已经用于许多偏方治疗和草药治疗数世纪。

6.I'd rather not tell you just now, but I suppose you'll discover it sooner or later. Did you know that my full name is St John Eyre Rivers? '我本不想现在告诉你,不过我想你早晚也会知道。你知道不知道我的全名叫圣约翰·爱·李维斯?

7.Once upon a time, at the age of 24, I was a student at St. John's Medical College in Bangalore.很久以前,当我还是24岁之时,我尚是一名位于班加罗尔的圣约翰医学院的学生。

8.a pttle more , st . john - look at the avidity in her eyes.再让她吃一点点吧,圣。约翰瞧她眼睛里的贪婪相。

9.St John enjoyed many highs in a red shirt but his winner at Wembley was the most celebrated strike of his career.圣约翰享受着自己身着红军战袍时的欢乐时光,而其中在温布利的这场胜利无疑是他最珍视的。

10.As a result of scientific research, St John's Wort is now taken, worldwide, for the maintenance of healthy emotional balance and wellbeing.因此科研,圣约翰草是现在采取全球,为维护健康的情感平衡和健康。