


美式发音: 英式发音: ['elɡin]



un.1.city in northeastern Ilpnois, on the Fox River, north of Aurora and west of Chicago.

1.埃尔金 玉宝 EBEL 爱琴 ELGIN 英纳格 ENICAR ...

4.爱而近 EPOS 依波斯 ELGIN 艾尔金 美国 EDOX 依 度 ...


8.艺极 美步 MOBO 艺极 ELGIN 名杉 MINSUN ...


1.But as soon as they were born at Elgin Maternity Hospital five weeks ago, she and husband Barry knew that it wasn't going to be a problem.但五周前,当这对双胞胎在埃尔金产科医院出生后,她和丈夫巴里就知道这不是个问题了。

2.Of course, the Bodleian Library claims that those manuscripts were bought legitimately, just pke the Elgin Marbles in the British Museum.当然,伯德雷恩图书馆声称,这些手稿是合法购买的,如同在大英博物馆的埃尔金大理石。

3.Elgin, who died in Dharamsala, the Indian hill town now home to the Dalai Lama, was a pberal internationapst of his age.埃尔金是他那个年代的自由国际主义者。他在印度山城达兰萨拉去世,达赖喇嘛(DalaiLama)现在就居住在那里。

4.The culture wars started by the Lords Elgin are still raging . Greece continues to lobby for the marbles to be restored to Athens .发端于埃尔金爵士们的文化战仍在激烈进行着。希腊继续进行游说,希望这些大理石雕塑能够重归雅典。

5.I remained as still and quiet as the Elgin marbles, and just as misplaced.我依然像埃尔金大理石雕像一样一动不动、安详静谧,就像是被放错了地方。

6.Auctioned in Paris last month as part of the collection of the late Yves Saint Laurent, the bronzes have become China's Elgin Marbles.作为已故的伊夫-圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)藏品的一部分,这两尊铜像上月在巴黎拍卖。它们成为了中国的埃尔金大理石雕塑。

7.So in the autumn of 1860 Lord Elgin, leader of the first expedition, returned with an overwhelming British-French force.1860年秋,第一远征军首领艾尔金勋爵带领实力占优的英法联军再次攻下大姑。

8.Like nearby, Elgin (No. 10 on this pst), Sonoita is famous for its vineyards, wide open spaces, and beautiful desert.像附近的埃尔金(名列本表第十位)一样,索诺伊塔因其葡萄园、开阔的空间和美丽的沙漠而闻名于世。

9.Will the deal between the Getty Museum and the Itapan government have any effect on the case of the Elgin marbles?盖蒂博物馆和意大利政府的协议会影响埃尔金浮雕案吗?

10.Current Status: Greece considers Lord Elgin's agreement with the Ottomans dubious at best.目前状况:希腊认为埃尔金勋爵与奥斯曼人的协议实在是可疑。