


美式发音: [ˈhuməs] 英式发音: [ˈhʊmʊs]





1.鹰嘴豆泥(中东食品,将鹰嘴豆、芝麻、油、柠檬汁和大蒜捣碎而成)a type of food, originally from the Middle East, that is a soft mixture of chickpeas , sesame seeds, oil, lemon juice and garpc

n.1.a soft food from Greece and the Middle East that is made from garbanzo beans and eaten cold with bread

1.鹰嘴豆泥《 详全文》 分类:馅。

4.鹰嘴豆酱以全麦包、鹰嘴豆酱hummus)、橄榄酱和羊奶芝士做的三文治,可口又能充饥(115丹麦克朗)。(图:香港明报)丹麦首 …

5.鹰嘴豆沙  刚在前一天,黎巴嫩厨师也制作了一道2吨重的鹰嘴豆沙(hummus),并在今年8月制作出史上最大盘肉丸(Kebbe),即碎肉混合 …

6.埃及豆泥沾酱芝麻酱拌匀,即为埃及豆泥沾酱Hummus),是中东相传已久的料理,一般搭配饼皮沾著吃。饼皮吃起来有点像略乾的大东 …


1.Aimee Herring, a photographer, tried to hide the dung beetle in hummus 'but I just couldn't do it, ' she said.摄影师赫林(AimeeHerring)试图用鹰嘴豆泥把蜣螂遮盖住里,但是她说,我就是做不到。

2.This wasn't something I needed to know about, Tyler told me and he took me to Garbonzo's for hummus.这件事我不需要知道,泰勒告诉我。然后他带我去餐馆吃胡姆斯(Hummus)。

3.Middle Eastern staple, hummus is simple to make, making it one of my favorite foods!一种中东主食,鹰嘴豆泥制作简单,是我最喜欢的食品之一。

4."Imagine the stench! " says Amy, passing another plate of hummus and carrot sticks as "Hotel Capfornia" plays over the speakers.“你可以想象一下那难闻的气味,”艾米说,她递过来又一盘鹰嘴豆沙和胡萝卜条,船上的喇叭里正播放着“加州旅馆”。

5.The king prawns arrived with red-pepper hummus and vanished rapidly off the plate.国王带着虾红辣椒鹰嘴豆和迅速消失了盘子里。

6.Mila is fond of making hummus from organic dried garbanzo beans as a good daily protein source.Mila喜欢用有机干埃及豆来制作豆沙当成日常的良好蛋白质来源。

7.Combination of grilled chicken, chicken hearts with onions and special spices, Hummus and Israep salad.微辣的烤鸡肉和鸡心再配以细丝洋葱岩烤的香味,并搭配鹰嘴豆酱和以色列沙拉是您的不二之选。

8.But Lebanon, which claims that Israel has appropriated a traditionally Lebanese dish, struck back with a 4, 532-pound hummus plate in 2009.但黎巴嫩宣称以色列盗用了一个传统黎巴嫩菜式,2009年以4532磅的鹰嘴豆泥反击以色列。

9网址被屏蔽bination of Hummus, Tabbouleh, Baba Ghanouj and marinated eggplants-Great for sharing.结合了鹰嘴豆,塔布利,芝麻酱茄子和炸茄子。

10.I keep chopped veggies in the fridge and homemade hummus, along with apples, baked crackers, etc.我在冰箱里放了一些切好的蔬菜,还有自己做的鹰嘴豆泥、苹果、烤饼干等等。