




1.圣彼得,黄色在西方所代表的意思是非常复杂的,因为在西方,圣人彼得(St Peter)穿着黄色的衣服代表着公正、荣誉和智慧,而犹 …

3.圣彼得大教堂ose Line)到方尖碑(obepsk),那在圣彼德(St Peter)雕像附近,不过也很容易看到方尖碑啦,底部有被打破耶,该不会某个书 …

8.教堂是以梵谛冈的圣彼得这座教堂是以梵谛冈的圣彼得(St Peter)大教堂为雏型盖的,尽管规模远远无法相比。17世纪时,教皇乌尔班三世(Urban Ⅲ)派 …


1.A stampede of men with picks and shovels duly streams out of Heaven and an impressed St Peter waves the speculator through.于是,手拿着鹤嘴镐和铲子的人蜂拥着涌出天堂之门,彼得大帝深深佩服这个勘探者,招呼他进来。

2.Three nuns died and visited St . Peter at the pearly gates. St . Peter said he would admit them if they each answer one question.三位修女死后在天堂之门遇到了圣彼得。圣彼得说如果她们每人回答出一个问题就放她们进天堂。

3."I'll take the first please, " says Mr Gyurcsany. He has a wonderful time, but after a few days he is called up to St. Peter.“我选择第一个地狱。”费伦茨说。他在那里玩得很高兴,但是几天后被圣彼得叫了回去。

4.And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell.说着,圣彼得就护送他到了电梯,电梯一直降,下降,降到地狱。

5.They arrived at the gates of heaven, where a flustered St. Peter explained that there had been a mistake.他们来到天堂门口,看到圣·彼得慌乱的说有个错误。

6.To his dismay, there were hundreds of people ahead of him in pne to see St. Peter.让他泄气的是,他前面有上百人在排队等着见圣彼得。

7.St. Peter couldn't deny that this was a pretty bad day, and since it was a crime of passion, he let the man in.虽然这个人杀了人是有罪的,天使不得不承认他够衰的了,就让他进了天堂。

8.Then St. Peter asked the second man if he had been faithful to his wife, and the man admitted to one affair. St.然后圣彼得问第二个人他这一生是否忠诚于他的妻子,这个人承认他有一次出轨。

9.They arrived at the gate of heaven, where a flustered St. Peter explained that there had been a mistake.他们到达了天堂的门口,神色慌张的圣彼得解释说,弄错了。

10.Next, St. Peter led the priest to a rugged old shack with a bunk bed and a pttle old television set.然后,圣。彼得将牧师领到一间只有一张帆布床和一台有点陈旧的电视的简陋的小木屋里。