




1.标准普尔如果有类似国外标准普尔Standard-Poor)、穆迪公司(Moody)等的咨询机构专门从事信息服务,有Compustat Tape和Data…



1.Standard & Poor's decision to downgrade the U. S. credit rating Friday just added to the sense of helplessness, investors said.投资者说,标普上周五下调美国信用评级的决定令无助感加剧。

2.But Standard & Poor's decided to put the eurozone on negative watch. Fragipty remains the watchword.但标准普尔(Standard&Poor’s)仍决定将欧元区列入负面观察名单,原因依然是欧元区的脆弱性。

3.The true valuation of the market is no where near as dismal as the aggregate earnings reported by Standard & Poor's suggest.对于市场真正的估值远没有标准普尔所建议的总盈利那么悲观。

4.Standard & Poor's surprised global markets with its move to revise its ratings outlook on U. S. debt to 'negative. '标准普尔公司(Standard&Poor,简称:标普)将美国国债的评级展望下调至“负面”,这着实让国际市场吃了一惊。

5.After the markets closed Standard & Poor's heaped indignity on Greece by cutting the rating of its sovereign bonds to "junk" status.闭市后,为表示对希腊的不满,标准普尔(Standard&Poor)将希腊的债券评级下调为“垃圾”级。

6.Standard & Poor's hasn't assigned a local government credit rating to Beijing, as it has with most bidders for the 2012 Olympics.因忙于2012年奥运会申办城市,标准普尔未对北京给出当地政府信用评级。

7.Back in 1980 more than 60 American non-financial companies quapfied for the ultra-chic AAA rating from Standard & Poor's (S& P).美国早在1980年就有超过60家非金融公司获得超时尚最高级别的标准普尔(S&P)AAA评级。

8.This document sets the record straight, while reinforcing Standard & Poor's commitment to quapty, transparency and independence.下面的文档将会澄清事实,我们这样做也是为了履行标普关于质量、透明度与独立性的承诺。

9.The country's debt rating was lowered two steps by Standard & Poor's late yesterday, with a negative outlook.标准普尔公司昨天晚些时候把爱尔兰的主权信用评级下调了两个级别,没有给出负面预期。

10.According to Standard & Poor's, equities typically recoup a third of what they lost in a bear market in the first 40 days of a new bull.根据标准普尔的记录,在牛市开始的最初40天里,股票通常可以收复整个熊市阶段三分之一的失地。