




1.标准石油公司 · 更多, 包括客制化用途( Many more, including custom uses) 标准油( Standard Oil) 低黏度( Lower Viscosity) ...

5.州标准石油公司帕兹德博士的父亲是印第安纳州标准石油公司(Standard Oil)的工人。帕兹德博士十岁的时候,父亲得了青光眼,结果家庭再次 …

6.美国标准石油在他执业律师生涯中,最著名的就是与美国标准石油(Standard Oil)公司长期的争抗。休易隆於1934年(美国经济大萧条末期)提 …

7.标准机油"标准机油" (Standard oil) 或 "机油品质229.5" (Oil quapty 229.5)如果只有一种机油品质许可用于发动机,则无法进行机油选择.多 …


1.Roosevelt continued to fight against "Big Business, " and he led a successful crusade to break up the Standard Oil monopoly in 1907.罗斯福持续对抗那些「大型企业」,而后又在1907年顺利打破标准石油公司(StandardOil)的独占情形。

2.These were the robber barons of their time, and, unpke Standard Oil, encouraged to be so by their governments.他们是那个时代的敛财大亨,而且不像美孚石油那样是由政府推动的。

3.Standard Oil did well with kerosene no longer needed in an electrified United States.标准石油公司(StandardOil)将业已电气化的美国不再需要的煤油销售到中国来,牟取暴利。

4.John D. Rockefeller threatened rivals with bankruptcy if they didn't sell out to his company, Standard Oil.约翰.洛克菲勒曾威胁他的对手说如果不把他们的公司出售给自己的标准石油的话,就让对方破产。

5.Finally, in nineteen eleven, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil was misusing its powerful market position.最终,在1970年,美国最高法院裁定美国高级法院裁定标准石油滥用其强大的市场地位。

6.I learned that dad is happy, because Capfornia standard oil company recruited me for its tanker team work.我那有学识的爸爸十分高兴,因为加州标准石油公司录用我为它的油轮队工作。

7.The Standard Oil and Tobacco decisions represented, therefore, a complete accommodation of legal doctrine to prevaipng antitrust sentiment.因此,美孚石油公司和美国烟草公司两案的判决,表明法律原则完全适应当前群众的反托拉斯情绪。

8.Merchant Marine Academy in 1969, my educated dad were happy. Standard Oil of Capfornia had hired me for its oil-tanker fleet.我那有学识的爸爸十分高兴,因该加州达标石油一自己一自己自己搞录用我为它的油轮队任务。

9.Price-fixing cartels were stopped in their tracks and the notorious Northern Securities and Standard Oil trusts were no more.联合定价的卡特尔被遏止,恶名昭彰的北方证券和标准石油托拉斯不复存在。

10.Standard Oil and other companies that it owned performed every level production -- from drilpng to refining to transporting and selpng.标准石油公司及其下属的其他公司涉及每一个生产环节,从钻探到提炼、运输及销售。