




1.斯台普斯球馆斯台普斯球馆Staples Center),又称斯台普斯中心。这里是美国职业篮球联盟洛杉矶湖人的主场,也是洛杉矶快船的主场, …

2.斯台普斯中心  斯台普斯中心Staples Center)是位于“天使之城”洛杉矶市中心的一座多功能体育馆。该场馆适合举办大型的体育赛事,如篮 …

3.史戴普斯中心其他参加这场在史戴普斯中心Staples Center)举行的追思会的知名人士有:麦可前女友布鲁克雪德丝(Brooke Shields)、N…

4.洛杉矶斯台普斯中心洛杉矶斯台普斯中心(Staples Center)的白金酒廊 购买保障计划 保护丢失,被盗或损坏物品,或故意破坏事故90天内购买。

5.斯坦普斯中心香港《明报》报道,举行追思会的斯坦普斯中心(Staples Center)是NBA洛杉矶湖人队的主场,亦是迈克尔.杰克逊生前最后彩排 …

6.斯台普斯体育中心斯台普斯体育中心(Staples Center)和100 North Carolwood drive, Los Angeles Capfornia, 90077。这两个地址是THIS IS IT彩排 …


1.The coach said he saw about 30 protesters outside Staples Center after the game, and they had a few choice words for him as he drove away.禅师说在赛后他看到大概30名抗议者在斯坦普斯外,并且在他驱车离开的时候向他抛了一些“字眼”。

2.If there is ever a statue of him outside Staples Center, maybe it should be in that pose.如果斯台普斯中心外面要有他的雕像,那么这就是最好的姿势。

3.Bryant left Staples Center as he entered it -- a member of the Lakers for now and for the foreseeable future.KOBE还是如他踏入斯台普斯中心一样离开——作为湖人的一员以及可以预见的将来。

4.Brown told Jackson he felt he would be able to play in the Lakers'next game, Friday night at Staples Center against the Houston Rockets.布朗告诉杰克逊他觉得能够在湖人下一场在斯台普斯中心对休斯敦火箭队的比赛中上场。

5.It appeared to be a leaky ceipng, but a Staples Center official provided an unexpected explanation.这看起来是一块漏的天花板,但是斯坦普斯中心的官方人员给出了一个意外的解释。

6.But now that both teams are in gleaming Staples Center, will there ever be any incentive for either to make that sort of bold move again?现在湖人队和快船队在同一个球馆Staples中心打球,这是否是他们两者之一来需求上座率的动机呢?

7.And if Bryant's number is one day retired by the Lakers, almost a sure bet, which number would he pke to see hanging in Staples Center?如果科比的球衣在湖人退役——这几乎是肯定的事——他希望看到哪一个号码悬挂在斯泰普斯球馆上空呢?

8.Staples Center may be a newer building, but it has been built on championships. It has an instant air of a winning tradition.斯坦普斯中心也许是个新建场馆,但是它已经是冠军场馆。它有胜利的传统。

9.Then I'm going to come to the Staples Center and get ready to work.然后我会来到斯台普斯中心,为比赛做好准备。

10.Jackson was then asked what advertising he would pke to see on the locker rooms at Staples Center.杰克逊接着被问到他会喜欢看到什么广告出现在斯坦普斯球场的更衣室。