




1.星爸克超有种 同谋 Conspirators 星爸客 Starbuck 意外的恋爱时光 Love Speaks ...

4.星叭克超有种42岁的大卫还在自家肉铺打杂并欠黑帮一屁股债,却在此时惊闻女友怀孕。没人相信 …

5.星芭人机恋的终极典范。想想星芭Starbuck)、西洛(Helo)、凯莉(Calpe)……他们都跟赛昂人结婚了,再想想令人垂涎的6 …


7.史巴克级星际战舰约有120艘。根据史巴克Starbuck)于“the core of the fleet”中的描述,超过30艘战星级星际战舰在赛隆人的首波 …

8.大副之名而它的命名是以 赫曼〃梅维尔在《白鲸记》一书著作中的 大副之名 (Starbuck)而命名的。那位冷 静又爱喝咖啡的大副史塔巴克…


1.What was Starbuck doing prior to shipping out for the Galactica?星巴克在去卡拉狄加之前在做什么?

2.What did Starbuck paint on the wall of her Caprica City apartment?星巴克在卡不利卡城的自己公寓的墙上画了什么?

3.this Starbuck seemed prepared to endure for long ages to come, and to endure always, as now.这位斯达巴克似乎还准备要经受未来的漫长岁月,要永远像现在这样地坚持下去…

4.Yeah, and the very first scene that he's in, he gets upset because Starbuck is pushing his buttons about her, "What about your wife? "是的,那是泰出现的前几个场景,因为星芭用艾伦的事挑衅他,说“你老婆好吗?”

5.numerous women in the miptary, including Adm. Helena Cain and the aforementioned Starbuck; as well as female freedom fighters.许多妇女在军队,包括海军赫勒拿该隐和上述星巴克,以及女性的自由战士。

6.After all, starbuck's chairman Howard Schultz noted that Ethiopia is recognized as the historic birthplace of coffee.最后,星巴克主席霍华德舒尔茨特别指出,埃塞俄比亚是公认的咖啡历史诞生地。

7.What article does Starbuck use to identify the body in the crashed viper?星芭靠什么物件来识别坠机蝮蛇中尸体的身份?

8.As the brand has perked, Starbuck's sales and profits have risen substantially.由于品牌已经为之一振,星巴克的销售收入和利润已大幅度增加。

9.How do you think the mark cup of Starbuck for coffee?星巴克以马克杯装咖啡,你的感受如何呢?

10.How did Starbuck get off of the planet in "You Can't Go Home Again" ?在“无法再次回家”一集里星巴克是怎么样离开那个星球的?