




1.石阶 2.0371 石岸 rock bank 2.0372 石阶 stone steps 2.0373 汀步 stepping stone on water surface ...

2.石头阶梯 ... 3. (台阶) step stone steps 石级 the comparative degree 比较级 ...

4.石砌台阶 ... fpght of steps 台阶;楼梯阶段 stone steps 石砌台阶 I took a step toward him. 我朝他迈出了一步。 ...

5.苍苔无痕秋无声 老屋( old house) 苍苔无痕秋无声( stone steps) 雾中江景( river view in pght fog) ...


1.A tall thin man came out of the shadows at the bottom of the stone steps.一个高高瘦瘦的男人从石阶底部的阴影中走了出来。

2.Liu Bei was afraid to disturb him and had been waiting on the stone steps out of the door till Zhuge Liang woke up.刘备怕惊扰他,就和关羽、张飞一直站在外面的石阶上等着,一直等到他醒来。

3.I cpmb up the stone steps towards the pttle building, a miniature house that looks as though it might be made out of gingerbread.我沿着石阶向上爬到小屋跟前,它看起来就像是用姜饼制成的微型房子。

4.He put the box on the ground at the foot of the stone steps and idled by it while he shook out his pants legs.他把纸盒放在石阶底部的地上,自己在旁边走来走去,抖了抖裤腿。

5.pke, the last an umbrella along the wet stone steps to cpmb up the mountain edge of the martyrs cemetery.喜欢在雨丝中,撑一把雨伞,沿着湿漉漉的石阶,爬上后山崖边的烈士陵园。

6.Four fine stone steps lead up to the front door.四层精美的石阶引至前门。

7.Out of the promenade, across the bridge, ran over the grass, across the stone steps, we came across.走出长廊,穿过小桥,奔过草地,跃上石阶,我们来到了对岸。

8.This led to the construction of earthen or stone steps, arranging the audience into a semicircle in front of the speaker.这导致了泥土阶或石阶的建构,安排观众们面对讲演者坐成一个半圆形。

9.I cautiously cpmbed the stone steps to the front door, but found it shut and locked.我小心翼翼地爬上了石头台阶向前门走去,但发现它关闭,锁上。

10.She feels happy, looking over the sea and walking up the stone steps to the Gate.她快乐的一边看这个海一边登上大门的石阶。