




1.石壁杰克逊 ... Professor Johnson( 约翰逊教授)、 Stonewall Jackson石壁杰克逊)。 O'Hara…

2.石墙杰克逊联邦杰出的军事领袖李将军(Robert Lee)和杰克森Stonewall Jackson)将军的诞辰而设立的。

4.石墙杰克森 ... stonewall girdle1. 石墙腰带 stonewall jackson1. 斯通威尔·杰克逊 jackson,stonewall1. 杰克森 ...

6.石墙贾克逊工作之一即为讲授军事史,我没有选择第一次大战,或是石墙贾克逊Stonewall Jackson)的战役来当作讲授的主题,因为 …

7.杰克逊将军巴顿崇拜联盟国将领「石壁」杰克逊将军Stonewall Jackson ),家族的多位成员都曾在杰克逊麾下任职。这些人作战勇敢、 …


1.Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, one of his most trusted generals, was mortally wounded by friendly fire during the battle.他最信任的一名将军“石墙”ThomasJackson在战争中受到友军火力误伤而丧命。

2.Let us cross over the river and sit in the hade of the trees . American general Thoman Stonewall Jackson .让我们渡过这条河,坐到树荫下。美国将军杰克逊。

3.After the defeat, Pope's scattered Union troops clashed repeatedly with Southern forces led by Major General "Stonewall" Jackson.联邦军队失败之后,波普率领的散乱军队仍然与「石墙」杰克森(StonewallJackson)将军率领的南方军队继续交战。

4.Up the street came the rebel tread , Stonewall Jackson riding ahead .叛军的队伍从大街上走过来,斯通沃尔·杰克逊骑马走在前头。

5.The soldiers under his command came to admire his stubborn courage and started calpng him "Stonewall" Jackson.士兵在他的指挥之下,开始赞佩他那固执的勇气,而且开始叫他作「石墙」杰克森。

6.He suggests that three men, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, be enshrined on the face of the mountain.他认为,石墙杰克逊,罗伯特李和杰斐逊戴维斯,三名男子在面对山。

7.If the Union force attacked before Stonewall Jackson got into position, Lee could not possibly hold it back.如果联盟军在史东旺·杰克逊达到目的前发起攻击,那么李将难以阻止它们(的攻击)。

8.With the help of Stonewall Jackson's army, Lee's plan worked.在斯通威尔.杰克逊部队的帮助下,李将军的计划开始行动了。

9.Lee met that night with his top general, Stonewall Jackson.那天晚上,李与他的高级将领——史东旺·杰克逊会谈。

10.With a picture of Stonewall Jackson above my head一张StonewallJackson的照片挂在我的头上方