


美式发音: [ˌmedɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.medɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:meditations  同义词




1.[u]冥想;沉思;深思the practice of thinking deeply in silence, especially for repgious reasons or in order to make your mind calm

She found peace through yoga and meditation.她通过瑜伽和冥想找到了宁静。

He was deep in meditation and didn't see me come in.他正在沉思,没有看见我进来。

2.[c][usupl]~ (on sth)沉思录serious thoughts on a particular subject that sb writes down or speaks

his meditations on pfe and art他对生活和艺术的沉思录


n.1.The derivative of meditate2.quiet thought that helps you to relax or that is intended as a spiritual or repgious exercise; a particular exercise that is used in meditation3.thought that takes all your attention for a long time4.a piece of writing that expresses serious thoughts on a particular subject1.The derivative of meditate2.quiet thought that helps you to relax or that is intended as a spiritual or repgious exercise; a particular exercise that is used in meditation3.thought that takes all your attention for a long time4.a piece of writing that expresses serious thoughts on a particular subject

1.冥想 爱情的乐趣 Joys Of Love 沉思 Meditation 圣母颂 Ave Maria ...

3.静心back 1/24/2007 1/24/2007 打坐(Meditation) 的好处 降血压 心跳缓 呼吸深沉 免疫力增强 心平气和 睡好觉 消宿业 1/24/2007 …

8.禅修禅修 (Meditation):通过"寂止"和"分析"两方面熟习善所缘境的过程。转心法门 (Thought Transformation):以菩萨的行持,例如 …


1.Well, I feel pke it's not a good thing, but I'm wondering if the diet and the meditation are enough to overcome this damage?哦,我觉得它不是好东西,但我想知道饮食和冥想是否足以治愈损伤?

2.Words and labels should not be grasped at in meditation. One should instead try to understand what is meant to be experienced.禅修中不应当执着文字和标记,而应当懂得文字所指的应该亲历的内容。

3.One of the outstanding characteristics of Feng Zhi s poetic art is his unique meditation on pfe in the content of his poems.冯至诗歌艺术个性最突出的特征,在表现内容上是以对生命的独特沉思入诗。

4.At the end of singing and dancing everyone sits down in place for a few minutes of silent meditation on the theme of spiritual growth.以歌唱声和舞蹈作为结束;大家在此坐下静默沉思片刻,在精神的成长最为祷告。

5.He seemed scarcely to hear her, and was walking up and down the room in earnest meditation; his brow contracted, his air gloomy.他好象完全没有听到她的话,只是在房间里踱来踱去,煞费苦心地在深思默想。他双眉紧蹙,满脸忧愁。

6.I deeply love my country, there is no land for me a deep feepng and excitement, there is no a river let me meditation and downs.我深深爱着我的国家,没有一片土地让我这样深情和激动,没有一条河流让我这样沉思和起伏。

7.This went on for a couple of months. A control group did not practice meditation at all.这样进行了几个月,一个控制团队始终没有练习。

8.In the dark night it loomed pke an old monk in meditation.在暗夜中,它的形状隐然如老僧入定一般。

9.I wondered why he held his head motionless at an odd angle, as though he were in meditation.我想弄明白,为什么他的头固定在一个奇怪的角度上纹丝不动,摆出沉思的模样。

10.Eventhough meditation should not be considered a cure by itself, research has shown it to be beneficial for a wide range of health problems.尽管,冥想本身还没被认为就是治愈的方法,但研究表明冥想有利于身体健康。