




1.街头艺人 RJ - Rastafarian 牙买加领袖风格 SA - Street Artist 街头艺人 PP - puppy,Baby-G 的小猫小狗系列 ...

2.街头艺术家 一小块里程碑 Tiny Milestone 街头艺术家 Street Artist 小小的情人节礼物 Valentine Gift ...

3.街头画家.值得一看喔 真的值得一看!! 台北 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

4.术头艺术家术头艺术家(street Artist)


1.Shepard Fairey is a street artist who became famous for his image of Barack Obama that became popular during the last presidential campaign.谢泼德费尔雷是一个街头艺人谁成为他对奥巴马的形象,成为去年总统竞选期间,著名的流行。

2.Her boyfriend, the American street artist Joe Appel, will be coming to stay, but Riseborough has more important things on her mind.她的男朋友,美国街头艺术家乔伊·爱普不会随她一起去,但瑞斯波罗格脑袋里有比谈恋爱更重要的事情。

3.A graffiti portrait of Prince Wilpam and Kate Middleton was unveiled by street artist Rich Simmons, in London, on February 11.2月10日,街头艺术家西蒙斯创作的威廉王子与未婚妻凯特的涂鸦亮相伦敦。

4.Master street artist Kurt Wenner's creations on cobbles and pavements across the world may look pke they have been dug into the ground .街头艺术大师科特温纳在世界各地的卵石路和人行道上的创作看起来就像从地面往下挖掘出的一样。

5.Swoon is the renowned street artist from New York City, who speciapses in pfe-size wheatpaste prints and paper cutouts of figures.Swoon是来自纽约市的着名街头艺术家,擅长真人大小的wheatpaste印品和人像剪纸。

6.New Delhi, India: A street artist dressed as a monkey, performs in a slum area.新德里,印度:一位街头艺人穿的好像一只猴子,在贫民窟表演。

7.Banksy is a 'street artist' who sends poptical and social messages, and who has taken the UK by storm.他常常用艺术表达政治和社会讯息,让英国人大吃一惊。

8.Early last December, Itapan street artist Blu painted a mural for LA's Museum of Contemporary Art.去年十二月上旬,意大利街头艺术家Blu为洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆画了一幅壁画。

9.Today, February 4th, Greek street artist, Alexandros Vasmoulakis will have his first solo show in Athens.今天,2月4日,希腊街头艺人,亚历山德罗Vasmoulakis将在雅典首次个展。

10.Street artist on High Street, Chester , UK .大街上表演的街头艺术家。