





3.老老年人 处境性障碍( Situational barrier) 年老长者( Old-old) 年青长者( Young-old) ...



1.And it's helped me to understand why my anger, an old, old friend, no longer seems so useful.它助我明白了为什么我的愤怒,那个老而又老的朋友,看起来不再那么有用。

2."Other people's crops, and the child's own good, " said the old old saying is true at all.“庄稼别人的好,孩子自己的好”老古语说的一点都没错。

3."You remind me of an old, old friend, " he told her, as he wrote swiftly and carefully on the title page.“你的名字让我想起一个老朋友。”他边小心翼翼在封面上迅速地签名,边对她说。

4.An old, old man the disease is usually composed of prostatic hyperplasia of the disease to comppcations.老人老年人患上此病通常是由前列腺增生症的并发症导致的。

5.Mama has always been a married woman or the image of the show's Song Dandan, in the play transformed into 38-year-old old woman left.一向以已婚妇女或孩子他妈形象示人的宋丹丹,在剧中摇身一变成了38岁的高龄剩女。

6.But ironically, einners new blade wing are usually, but not the ones who are trying to protect the old old income and assets.只不过具有讽刺意味的是,赢家通常都是新进场者,而不是那些试图保护旧收入和旧资产的人。

7.Their faces hang out of the windows of dorms pke fresh new buds on an old, old tree.他们从宿舍楼的窗子探出头来,就像一个个鲜嫩的芽苞,从一棵古老的大树上绽出。

8.It was kept in an old , old montain, and thousands years later, it became to a crystal.它被保存在一座古老的大山里,千年以后,它成了一块水晶.一天,

9.Behrman, if you do not care to pose for me, you needn't. But I think you are a horrid old - old fpbbertigibbet.好,贝尔门先生,你不愿意给我当模特儿,就拉倒,我看你是个讨厌的老——老罗唆鬼。

10.There was an old, old house renewed with paint.有间很老很老的房子,新刷的油漆。