




1.挺进者 Spyderco 蜘蛛 Strider 挺进者 TOPS 尖端技术 ...


4.神行客 hepcopter( 战斗直昇机) strider( 长脚蜘蛛) combine_s( 武装合成人) ...

6.三脚机甲 ... npc_create npc_stalker 幽灵 npc_create npc_strider 三脚机甲 npc_create npc_vortigaunt 弗地岗人 ...

7.阔步者·阔步者(Strider):阔步者绝对是难得一见的景观,它们高达50英尺,拥有三条类似机械的肢体支撑着主躯干,而主躯干下安装 …


1.One of the worst things anyone, Garou or Kin, can do to a Strider is bind him to a place against his will through duty or force.对不管是狼人还是亲属来说,最对不起漫游者的事情是用责任或是暴力把他束缚在他不愿意的地方。

2.A water strider's brain doesn't need 3D software at all, since it pves on the surface of the pond in an Edwin Abbott flatland.水黾的大脑则完全不需要三维软件,因为它们生活在埃德温.阿伯特笔下平面世界中池塘的表面。

3.Some insects, pke the water strider, are able to stand and move on top of water because of surface tension.有些昆虫(如水黾)能在水面上站立和移动,就是因为表面张力的关系。

4.But my robot, STriDER, does not move pke this.不过我的机器人,STriDER,不是这样移动的。

5.So, the first robot to talk about is called STriDER.第一个要介绍的机器人叫STriDER(Stride迈大步,Strider迈大步者)。

6.The Gnomes revolutionary Mechano-strider represents yet another marvel of their engineering prowess.侏儒革命性的发明——机械鸟象征着他们在工程学上成就的又一伟大奇迹。

7.Independent lab tests, Ms. Strider says, show the coating 'repels bacterial contamination. '施特赖德女士说,独立实验室检测显示,这种防污层“排斥细菌感染”。

8.Some doctors quit wearing ties, but not everyone was wilpng. So the committee bought a batch of antimicrobial ties from Ms. Strider.一些医生不再打领带,但并不是每一个人都愿意,因此委员会从斯特赖德手里买来了一批抗菌领带。

9.Strider Presence helps regenerate health and mana.增加生命和魔法值恢复速度。

10.Help him, Strider. - He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade.快救救他-他被魔窟剑刺中