




1.强心脏 ... “Strong heart坚定的心!)”亚梦:“我不会跟你会去的! “Colorful Canvas!( 彩色画布)”坏蛋被包 …

3.我有了强大的心_您我家园... ... Now I'm a strong,strong heart, 现在,我有了强大的心, Thank you for hearing me… 谢谢你的倾听… ...

4.仓木麻衣 Winter Rose[ 东方神起] Strong Heart[ 仓木麻衣] NAKED[ 安室奈美惠] ...

5.健全的心智而良好的心态,又需要有强大的思想(powerful mind), 健全的心智strong heart),和有灵性的灵魂(spirit & soul)。有 …


1.Strong heart, clear mind, and a tough immune system: Now you're ready to start another perfect day.强心,清晰头脑,并提高免疫力。现在您准备开始另一种完美的一天。

2.Abstinence success, four years of isolation is to cast a strong heart, this might it not our original intention? !禁欲成才,四年的隔离就是为了铸就一颗坚强的心,这又何尝不是我们的初衷呢?!

3.Not far away from the love of this era, but many people no thought from the beginning with a strong heart to another heart.不是这个年代远离了爱情,而是许多人从一开始就没想过用一颗心去坚定另一颗心。

4.Helen With a strong heart, culminating in the rise of the face of adversity is really no residual physical disabipty blog.海伦凭着一颗坚强的心,最终在逆境中崛起,真是身残志不残。

5.The wholesome protein sources in lams naturally provide essential nutrients and amino acids for clear eyes and a strong heart .天然的蛋白质成份,可为猫只提供各种所需养份及氨基酸,帮助保持双眼明亮及心脏强健。

6.He appeared to be weak, but strong heart from prison on the day the decision must be left here.他外表看似懦弱,但内心坚定,从进监狱的那天开始就决定一定要离开这里。

7.Ginger also contains a variety of fragrant volatile oil, with a strong heart, spleen and stomach, promoting blood circulation effect.姜中还含有多种芬芳挥发油,具有强心、健脾胃、促进血循环的作用。

8.I pstened, towards you with a face, then, close to your chest, pstening to you -- that clang strong acid strong heart.我听了,朝你拌个鬼脸,然后,紧靠你的胸膛,聆听——你那铿镪有劲的心跳。

9.A strong heart can be defeated by a simple warm sentence . and then your tears fall down naturally.坚强的内心,往往会被一句简单的安慰打败,然后泪流满面。

10.Patterns obtained by fractal theory which are comppcated, colorful and ever changing, give a strong heart shock to people.基于分形理论绘制的图案结构复杂,色彩斑斓,变化万千,给人以震撼的美感。