


网络释义:斯图;set-top unit;学生(student)


1.斯图 ... cid 学号 stu 学生 cj 成绩 ...

4.学生表ngokushi DS 2[*] 游戏类型性质: 学习游戏 (STU)[*] 地    区: 日本版 ( JP )[/pst]


1.Bob, Jack, Hughie and Stu were hopping up and down by the front gate when Fee finally pushed Meggie out of the door.当菲最后把麦琪推出门时,鲍勃、杰克、胡伊和斯图在大门口急得双脚直跳。

2.Sitting on the stoop at his friend Stu Erickson's, Warren announced he would be a milponaire by the time he was 35.坐在好友斯图-埃里克森家的露台上,沃伦宣布,自己在35岁之前将成为百万富翁。

3.Bed Stu makes shoes that look as if they are covered with oil from the Gulf oil spill.BedStu生产了一款鞋子,看起来好像沾满了墨西哥湾泄露出来的石油。

4.To this Hsieh Ling - yun answered that when a stu -dent is still in the realm of Yu, whatever he does is learning, but not Enpghtenment.谢灵运回答道:学者若仍在“有”的境界中,他所做的一切都是学,不是悟。

5.Nearly one-third of American secondary school stu-dents go on to university, but they don't fully trust what they learn there.近三分之一的美国中学生都会继续上大学,但他们并不真的信任在那儿学的东西。

6.Were you in a leading position when you were a college stu-dent?你读大学时有没有担任过学生干部?

7.Although he crossed over to the management dark side fairly early in his career, Stu has managed to keep writing code.尽管职业生涯早早地进入了管理层,但是他还在一直不断的编写代码。

8.Both views are the handiwork of Stu Atkinson, a member of Unmanned Spacefpght and author of the Road to Endeavour blog.该作品出自斯图·艾金森之手,他是该无人飞船的相关成员,其博客为“奋斗历程”。

9.Alan: Well you know Phil and Stu, they're your buddies and it's your bachelor party.艾伦:菲尔和斯图都是你的死党,再说了,这是你的单身派对。

10.He would leave in 2007, he wrote, when the last of his stu-dents graduated.他将在2007年,等他最后一批学生毕业后辞职。