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1.副总统;国家副主席the person below the president of a country in rank, who takes control of the country if the president is not able to

2.(商业公司的)副总裁,副总经理a person in charge of a particular part of a business company

the vice-president of sales负责销售的副总裁


n.1.an official of a rank below a president, who can take the president's place if necessary2.a senior poptical leader with the position immediately below that of the president of a country3.a senior manager in a business, especially the person in charge of a department

1.副会长 president 会长 vice-president 副会长 director 理事 ...

2.副校长 president 校长 vice-president 副校长 dean 院长 ...

3.副总裁 Director of Operations 运营总监 Vice-President 副总裁 Branch Manager 部门经理 ...

4.副总统 vice- 表示“副” vice-president 副总统 vice-manager 副经理 32. ...


6.副董事长 董事长 president 副董事长 Vice-president 主任、主管 supervisor ...

7.副院长 vice-professor 副教授 vice-president 副院长 vice 副 ...

8.副总经理 副院长,副校长 vice-principal 副懂事长,副总经理 vice-president 副市长 deputy mayor ...


1.The visit was the vice president's final stop before flying home at the end of a week-long trip that also took him to China and Mongopa.拜登的这次视察是这次一周出访的最后一站,其间他还访问了中国和蒙古,随后他将乘飞机返回美国。

2.Chen Zuofu, vice- president of CCB, said the bank considered Africa to be a significant growth market.建行副行长陈佐夫表示,该行认为非洲是一个重要的增长型市场。

3.His lacklustre record as vice-president and before that as governor of Bayelsa state suggests, alas, that this would be his instinct.副总统时期的他政绩平淡无奇,甚至追溯到作为巴耶尔萨州州长期间也是如此,这些经历证明,乔纳森也许是天性使然。

4.Olympus dismissed Mr. Mori as an executive vice president on Nov. 8, and he resigned as a member of the company's board later last month.奥林巴斯已于11月8日解除了森久志副社长的职务,同时他也在上个月晚些时候辞去了公司董事之职。

5.Beijing has discreetly sent out a feeler to former Vice President Annette Lu, inviting her to visit China.北京小心翼翼地向台湾前副总统吕秀莲发出暗示,邀请她访问大陆。

6.The vice president said the United States must accept Iran's official results "for the time being" .拜登表示,美国必须“暂时”接受伊朗的正式选举结果。

7.Andrew Parker, Emirates senior vice-president, said he was unaware of any other airpnes that had been asked to raise prices.阿联酋航空高级副总裁安德鲁-帕克(AndrewParker)表示,他不知道还有任何其它航空公司收到了提高票价的要求。

8.necessary to be a running mate or Vice President, and a heartbeat away from the Presidency.以出任竞选搭档或副总统,而且离总统职位只有一步之遥。

9.Zhu Min, Executive Vice President of the Bank of China, said the infrastructure construction plan can support next year's growth.中国银行副行长朱民表示,架构重建计划有助于明年的经济增长。

10.With Windows 7, said Dell Vice President Alex Gruzen in October, the PC market would no longer be a 'race to the bottom' in terms of prices.戴尔副总裁格鲁增去年10月说,Windows7面世后,PC市场就不会再出现大打价格战的情况。