


美式发音: 英式发音: [stjuət]




abbr.1.斯图尔特2.(=the House of Stuart)(英国)斯图亚特王朝3.【男名】男子名

abbr.1.(=the House of Stuart)

1.斯图亚特 斯坦迈格( Strohmenger) 斯图拉特( Stuart) 尚高( SUNGOAL) ...

6.斯图亚特王室 斯坦威( Steinway&Sons) 斯图阿特Stuart&Sins) 贝西施坦( C.Bechstéin) ...

8.司徒在杭州的司徒尔特,司徒Stuart)的家里,出生了四个儿子:(约翰·雷登,John Leighton一八七六年六月二十四日),大卫· …


1.ELIZABETH: Stuart. Listen, I need to let you know that we're considering bringing on someone new to work on this deal.斯图尔特,听着,我需要告诉你我们正考虑让一个新成员加入这件项目。

2.And Stuart might have made the match, but Brent had not been satisfied.斯图尔特本来是可以匹配的,但布伦特不满意。

3.India rose tiredly from her seat beneath the arbor and went toward the angry Stuart Tarleton.凉亭里的英迪亚从座位上疲惫地站起身来,向怒气冲冲的斯图尔特走去。

4.How much damage depends on several factors, says Stuart Sipkin, a seismologist at the U. S. Geological Survey.美国地质调查局的地震学家斯图尔特·西普金称,破坏程度取决于好几个因素。

5.It is mystifying what benefit Fabio Capello and Stuart Pearce seems to think either of them will gain by being deprived of a summer break.究竟这对法比奥卡佩罗有什么好处令人迷惑不解,而斯图尔特皮尔斯看起来想要他们中的一位,通过被剥夺一个夏天的休息来获得发展。

6.Stuart's very different from my first husband - he's half bald, but he reminds me that he once was a young thing with a full head of hair.斯图亚特很不同于我的第一个丈夫。他一半的头发都掉光了,但他却时常对我说他年轻时满头乌发。

7.Brent pked India but he thought her mighty plain and tame , and he simply could not fall in love with her himself to keep Stuart company.布伦特也喜欢英迪亚,可是觉得她太平淡也太过分柔顺,他看书简直无法对她产生爱情,因此在这一点上就无法与斯图尔特作伴了。

8.Sir Stuart says M& S will "sit it out" in Shanghai until the store turns a profit, which he expects within three years.斯图尔特爵士说,玛莎百货将在上海“耐心等到”该分店盈利。他预计将需要三年时间。

9."Porcelain really was the first global good, " Ms. Stuart said. "It was crated all over, part of the modern economy and the silver trade. "“瓷器确实是第一样全球性的产品,”斯图尔特女士说,“它被运送到了世界各地,帮助推动了现代经济和白银贸易。”

10.In 1945, Zhou Enlai recommended John Leighton Stuart to be American Ambassador to China. Zhou took the photo with him in Nanjing.1945年,周恩来推荐司徒雷登担任美国驻华大使。此图为他与周恩来合影于南京。