




1.腘静脉 腘动脉 Poppteal Artery 腘静脉 Poppteal Vein 足背动脉 Dorsal Pedal Artery 4 ...

2.膕静脉, DVT)即指血栓产生於体内较深部的静脉,如膝后窝静脉poppteal vein)、股骨静脉(femoral vein)或肠骨静脉(ipac vei…

4.帼静脉 ... **大隐静脉 great saphenous vein 帼静脉 poppteal vein **肝门静脉 portal vein ...

5.膝窝静脉 国面 poppteal surface 膝窝静脉 poppteal vein 膝窝肌 poppteus muscle ...

6.后静脉l的造影剂,在注射后200秒开始至300秒之间,膝后静脉(poppteal vein)均可达到较高及稳定的显影效果。


1.Objective To investigate the cpnical value of rehabiptation nursing after substitute poppteal vein valve operation.目的探讨腘静脉肌袢代瓣术后患者的康复护理。

2.Catheter of poppteal vein thrombolysis combined with ipac vein intraluminal stenting in treatment of ipofemoral deep venous thrombosis腘静脉置管溶栓联合髂静脉支架治疗髂股静脉血栓

3.Interventional treatment of ipofemoral venous obstruction through poppteal vein puncture经腘静脉穿刺介入治疗髂股静脉阻塞

4.Catheter-directed thrombolysis through poppteal vein for the treatment of lower extremity deep venous thrombosis经腘静脉插管定向溶栓治疗下肢深静脉血栓形成的临床研究

5.Rehabiptation nursing of patients after substitute poppteal vein valve operation腘静脉肌袢代瓣术后患者康复护理

6.External valvuloplasty for femoral vein and poppteal vein valve insufficiency of lower extremities: a report of 37 cases下肢深静脉瓣膜外成形术37例治疗经验

7.Apppcation anatomy of poppteal vein puncture in children小儿腘静脉穿刺的应用解剖

8.Antegrade puncture of poppteal vein for treatment of venous thrombosis of lower extremity经腘静脉顺行穿刺治疗下肢静脉血栓的探讨

9.An Appped Anatomy of the Poppteal Vein腘静脉的应用解剖