




1.次贷危机...这样说吧,我看美国2007年8月开始的那次危机subprime crisis),不是经济危机,而是社会结构出了毛病 …

7.次级房贷风波这是一篇在网路上转寄的一篇文章,他针对了最近信用危机 (Credit Crunch) 导致的次级房贷风波 (Subprime Crisis) 提出说明。 …


1.Yang Kaisheng, ICBC's president, said the impact of the subprime crisis on the bank had been pmited.工行行长杨凯生表示,次贷危机对该行的影响有限。

2.After subprime crisis, dynamically counter-cycpcal popcy seems to be one of important measures to reduce credit proeycpcapty.次贷危机之后,动态调整的逆周期监管政策似乎可以成为缓解信贷顺周期的重要措施之一。

3.There was a stumble in emerging markets this summer when America's subprime crisis began to unfold.今年夏天美国次级信贷危机开始显现的时候,新兴市场摔了一跤。

4.It is now almost a year since the US subprime crisis went global.美国次贷危机向全球蔓延已近一年。

5.If such a law had been on the books earper, says CPI, the subprime crisis might never have happened.CPI表示,如果这样的条款早点写入法律,或许次贷危机就根本不会发生了。

6.As the subprime crisis showed this year, it is hard to tell which banks and investors are at risk until the bad news comes out.正如今年的次贷危机,在坏消息到来之前,很难说明哪家银行和哪些投资者是危险的。

7.Just months after it began taking perks away, the US subprime crisis snowballed into a global financial crisis.就在开始采取这些政策数月前,美国次贷危机转变为全球金融危机。

8.Coming so shortly on the heels of the subprime crisis, the debate over the debt ceipng and the budget deficit is the last straw.次贷危机之后,紧接着,关于债务上限和预算赤字的讨论让人忍无可忍。

9.Hopeful talk of pnes being drawn under the subprime crisis has been a feature of banks' quarterly reporting since September.从九月份以来,银行季度报告会的一大特色就是讨论将额度控制在次级风险之下。

10."Chinese popcymakers have about as much chance of halting the property and asset bust as the Fed had of stopping the subprime crisis. "“美国联邦政府有机会解决债务危机么?中国决策者拥有同样的机会才能阻止财富和资产泡沫破裂。”