




1.心碎用英文怎么说 我想我可以胜任这份工作 怎么翻译? I think I am equal to this job. 心碎用英文怎么说Heart breaks. ...

2.心碎了原来是一首失恋的歌曲,说小伙子与女友分手后,心碎了heart breaks),崩溃了(falpng to pieces),窒息了(all choked u…


1.Each year my heart breaks when parents call the office to find out what their children did wrong in an unsuccessful attempt for admission.每年当家长打电话到招生办询问他们的孩子做错了什么导致申请失败时,我的心都要碎了。

2.And every time I hear him naming out the magnificent creatures before him, my heart breaks.每次当我听到他念叨着他眼前的那些壮观的海洋生物的名字的时候,我的心都快碎了。

3.And now she is puzzled again, as her heart breaks in two, seeing her son hanging on an instrument of torture.现在她看着自己的儿子被挂在十字架上遭受痛苦的折磨,她的心破碎并再一次感到迷惘。

4.I write of veganism because my heart breaks at the cruelty of our food system.因为为我们残忍的食物链感到心碎,所以我把素食主义作为题材。

5.I will be right here waiting for you, whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks. I will be right here waiting for you.我将会在这里等你,哪怕使我心碎,我也会在此一直等候,等你。

6.You remember everything now, and your heart breaks.你现在想起来了每件事,你的心碎了。

7.You smiles ; My sky clears up ; You keep silent ; My heart breaks down.你笑了,我的天晴了,你沉默了,我的心灰了。

8.I've had my share of heart breaks and understand what it feels pke to be on the receiving end.我经历过心碎,能理解被分手的感觉。

9.My heart breaks at the sheer numbers of people dead, injured, and homeless.我为在地震中不幸遇难、受伤和无家可归的人感到心痛。

10.She had her share of heart-breaks.她有她的不幸遭遇。