




1.实质正义Distributive justice)、一直到社会正义和实质正义Substantive justice),[82]其中,与法律的普遍性相联系的形式正义,要 …

5.实质公平序公平 (procedural justice)、实质公平 (substantive justice) 和互动公平 (interactional justice)。

6.实体法上的公正 选购法院(Forum Shopping) (2)实体法上的公正substantive justice) 2、“效率”价值取向 ● 法官选择和适用法律的简 …

7.实体公正 ... ) essentially just and fair 实质的正义与公平 ) substantive justice 实体公正 ) substantial justice 实体公正 ...

8.实质公正程序公正(Formal justice)的领域,而实质公正Substantive justice)还有待实现。


1.Formal justice and substantive justice are the values of rights and obpgation distribution in modern and contemporary law respectively.形式正义和实质正义分别属于近代和现代法律分配权利和义务的价值观念。

2.Justice into substantive justice and procedural fairness.司法公正分为实体公正和程序公正。

3.Courts' investigating and collecting evidence is a choice based on the balance of substantive justice and procedural justice.法院调查收集证据是建立在对实体公正和程序公正价值衡量的基础上作出的选择。

4.In aspect of value tendency, the substantive justice will be more followed with interest.在其价值取向方面,实质正义将备受关注;

5.Procedural justice is a kind of tool and way to achieve Substantive justice. Procedural justice is embodied in due procedure.程序正义是实现实体正义的工具和手段,而正当程序是程序正义的体现。

6.The procedure needs to consummate in order to reflect the substantive justice by procedural justice.完善赦免的程序,以程序正义来体现实体正义。

7.Discursive Consensus: Postmetaphysical Criterion of Substantive Justice pujingdong话语共识:后形而上学社会的实质正义标准

8.Relationship Between Substantive Justice and Procedural Justice in Our Criminal Litigation论我国刑事诉讼中实体公正与程序公正之关系

9.On the Relations between Substantive Justice and Procedural Justice论实体正义与程序正义的关系