




1.夏季达沃斯论坛作为2010夏季达沃斯论坛Summer DAVOS)唯一专属合作银行,中国银行天津市分行精心准备、周密部署,全力为本次论坛 …

2.夏季达沃斯年会  午后欧洲早盘前贵金属急速下跌,因市场对夏季达沃斯年会(Summer Davos)上中国有关继续投资于欧洲的表态感到失望并且受 …


1.But the biggest, second only to the WEF itself, is the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, informally known as "Summer Davos. "不过其中最大的,仅次于达沃斯论坛本身的活动,则是新领军者年度会议(AnnualMeetingoftheNewChampions),通常也称为“夏季达沃斯”。

2.The Summer Davos Forum is over. The Huizhan Center is now busing with the International Clothes Festival.达沃斯会议结束了,会展中心又在忙着为服装节布展。

3.That became obvious at the "summer Davos" of the World Economic Forum, in Dapan, less than two weeks ago.不到两周前召开的世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)大连“夏季达沃斯”年会,就明确地展现出这一点。

4.The annual meeting of Summer Davos forum was the global meeting held by WEF outside Davos.夏季达沃斯论坛年会是世界经济论坛在达沃斯以外举行的全球性会议。

5.At last week's World Economic Forum Summer Davos in Dapan, an even more optimistic China was on display.上周在大连举行的世界经济论坛夏季达沃斯年会上,一个更加乐观的中国展示在世人目前。

6.As its official title imppes, the Summer Davos is focused on issues affecting the rapidly growing economies of Asia.正如其官方称谓所暗示的那样,夏季达沃斯聚焦于急速增长的亚洲诸经集体带来的影响。

7.Confident China hosts 'Summer Davos' Confident China hosts 'Summer Davos'自信中国主办“夏季达沃斯论坛”

8.To even attend summer Davos forum, the number is more, to make every effort to reception and conference services.来连参加夏季达沃斯论坛的人数较多,要全力做好人员接待与会议服务工作。

9.Q: Please update us on the attendance of the Summer Davos in Tianjin.问:请介绍天津夏季达沃斯论坛出席人员情况。

10.A: The third Summer Davos Forum opens this afternoon in Dapan city. Premier Wen Jiabao will attend and address the opening ceremony.答:第三届“夏季达沃斯”论坛今天下午在大连开幕,国务院总理温家宝出席开幕式并致辞,80多个国家和地区的约1500名代表与会。