




1.宀 mian 面棉免绵(绵)眠缅(缅)勉冕娩沔湎腼(腼)眄渑(渑)黾(黾) miao 秒苗庙(庙)妙描瞄藐渺喵邈缈(缈)杪淼(渺)眇鹋(鶓)缪(缪) ...

3.缈 me │ men │ 黾8628 │ 麋8771 │ 邈6967 │ mi │ mian7131 │ mao │ mei │ 闷3538│ 尔2291│ 棉3562 │ 杪7234 │ ...

4.淼 MIAN 棉 MIAN MIE 蔑 ...

5.斤桑蚕丝被 ... 上海佳航服装辅料有限公司 SHANGHAIJIAHANGFUZHUANGFULIAODRL 2斤桑蚕丝被 100%长丝 MIAN 印度棉- yindumi…

6.鹋 (meng) 祢(水) (mian) (水) (miao) 鹏(水) ...

7.莬 命令[命令] ming4png4 面具[面具] mian4ju4 防护[防护] fang2hu4 ...


1.But constantly this period, he will kiss her to come to and passionately knot up Mian with her some kind of, embrace her to slumber.而每每这个时候,他都会把她吻醒,热情地与她缠绵一番,拥着她睡去。

2.I was in Shanghai less than a week but heard comments in several different venues about novels by Mian Mian and Wei Hui.在上海不到一周,不同场合里听到谈论棉棉、卫慧的小说。

3.Mian Mian's lawyer Sun Jingwei told reporters he met with Google's lawyers and was open to negotiating a settlement with the company.棉棉的代理律师孙景伟对记者说,他会见了谷歌的律师,并愿意与谷歌就和解进行谈判。

4.In each night after knowing you, difficult Mian of flounder of my night night, think in the heart, those who read aloud is you!在认识你之后的每一个夜里,我夜夜辗转难眠,心里想的、念的都是你!

5.An expensive car speeding down the mian steer of a small town was soon caught up with by a young motorcycle popceman.一辆昂贵的小轿车在一个小城市的主干道上超速行驶,很快就被一个年轻的骑摩托的警察抓住了。

6.Disciple Mian Yan had written a very nice piece. I did not change even a bit.弟子绵延写了一篇非常动人的好文,我甚至连一点也没改。

7.Think of the players that are not afraid of any strike will not think of that night in Istanbul. Mian.想起球员们那不怕任何打击的意志。想起那个不眠的伊斯坦布尔之夜。

8.My Dad said it was easy to do something so that Bao Mian wouldn't die in today's society, and Mom was against it.爸爸说在现在的社会里,很容易的采取一些办法包勉就不会死,妈妈表示了反驳。

9.Even Bao Zheng didn't understand it himself, and he was speechless after hearing the reason Bao Mian told him when they two met in prison.包拯也不明白为什么,当他们在狱中见面时,包勉告诉了他原因,听罢包大人自己也是无言以对了。

10.They "share a very strong connection, " says Chinese author Mian Mian, who had a small role in a recent film Wendi helped produce.中国作家(绵绵)参与了邓文迪最近帮忙监制的一部电影,她说,他们之间“互有非常强烈的联系”。