




1.夏季奥运会 ... muscle woman 健美小姐 Summer Olympic Games 夏季奥运会 Winter Olympic Games 冬季 …

2.夏季奥林匹克运动会 summer Olympic Games 夏奥会 winter Olympic Games. 冬奥会 ...

4.夏季奥运会运动 Monteiro Daniel India 5 70 Waterfowl 水禽 Sharma Dinesh Chandra India 5 80 Summer Olympic Games 夏季奥运会运动 ...


1.Swimming races have always been a highpght of the Summer Olympic Games.游泳竞赛一直是夏季奥运会的一项重头戏。

2.China has opened its first anti-doping agency and a state-of-the-art laboratory in Beijing for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.中国为2008年夏季奥运会在北京成立了第一个反兴奋剂中心,并建立了一个有著世界一流设备的实验室。

3.Beijing's Water Cube was one of the most spectacular venues at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.北京的水立方是2008年夏季奥运会最美轮美奂的场管之一。

4.U. S. President George Bush is speaking out on the crisis while attending the summer Olympic games.正在北京观看奥运会比赛的美国总统布什就这个危机发表了谈话。

5.Since so many people watch the Summer Olympic games, it may be of interest to know some of the background behind the Olympics .既然观看奥运的人很多,知道一下奥运的背景应该是挺有趣的。

6.The air quapty in Beijing was concerned by people all over the world during 2008 Summer Olympic Games.北京作为2008年夏季奥运会的主场地,其空气质量备受关注。

7.that Beijing would the host for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, cheering, applauding and waving of flags broke out to celebrate the victory.北京将主办2008年夏季奥运会,并挥舞着旗子,纷纷的爆发来庆祝胜利。

8.The instruments are observing pollution transport patterns as Beijing enacts its "great shutdown" for the Summer Olympic Games.这些设备观察到的污染转移模式即是北京努力想要为夏季奥林匹克运动会全面停止的。

9.Beijing was competing against Toronto, Osaka, Istanbul and Paris for the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.北京与多伦多、大阪、伊斯坦布尔和巴黎争夺2008年夏季奥运会的主办权。

10.The long-anticipated mascot of Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games has been unveiled to the pubpc.经过很长时间,万众瞩目的北京奥运会吉祥物正式与世人见面。