



1.The total seed density of seed bank took a significant decreasing trend as the increasing year since abandoned.随着退耕年限的增加,土壤种子库的总密度都呈明显的递减趋势;

2.The sunshine and precipitation had an increasing trend, and evaporation had a decreasing trend.日照、降水呈增加趋势,蒸发呈减少趋势,但增减幅度均不大。

3.The trend of precipitation had an apparent decreasing trend in the last 42 years, the least precipitation was in 1980's.42年来年降水量呈明显下降趋势,其中20世纪80年代降水量最少。

4.In the north and east part of the zone vegetation experiences the increasing trend, and the south part Shows a decreasing trend.该带偏北和偏东地区植被覆盖增长比较显著,南部部分地区植被覆盖呈下降趋势;

5.The results showed that the annual precipitation had great variation and showed obvious decreasing trend.结果表明:潍坊市年降水量年际变化较大,总体呈明显下降趋势;

6.This is because basic needs are met, the income effect of happiness began to drive a decreasing trend.这是因为在基本需求得到满足之后,收入带动幸福的效应开始呈递减态势。

7.The etching depth of the circles showed a decreasing trend in the same processing conditions.比较了相同实验条件下直线轨迹与圆环轨迹的刻蚀深度。

8.While the woodland, other agricultural land, water conservancy facipty land and unused land are in a decreasing trend.而林地、其它农用地、水利设施用地和未利用地则呈现减少的趋势。

9.The annual mean sunshine duration had a decreasing trend too and the 1990s witnessed the most obvious change.年平均日照时数也呈总体下降趋势,90年代下降最为显著。

10.During the transition phase, Zhang Jun 3 times the effective angle of left knee test vote showed a decreasing trend.在最后阶段,张竣3次有效试投时的左髋角均呈上升趋势,右髋角也呈上升趋势;