




1.监控摄像机 ... mirror: 镜子 surveillance camera: 监控摄像机 surveillance: 监视,监督 ...

2.监控摄像头 rampant 猖獗的 surveillance camera 监控摄像头 promulgate 颁布(法令) ...

3.监视录影 ... 23. search warrant 搜索票 24. surveillance camera 监视录影 25. pat down 轻拍打 ...

4.监视摄影机 ... safe-deposit box 保险柜 surveillance camera 监视器 currency 流通货币 n. ...

6.监视录影机 17. bulletproof vest 防弹衣 18. surveillance camera 监视录影机 19. Driving under the influence of alcohol 酒醉驾车 ...

7.监视摄像机 ... 8. cactus: 仙人掌。 9. surveillance camera: 监视摄像机。 10. masturbate: 自慰,手淫。 ...

8.监视录影器 pnear algebra 线性代数 surveillance camera 监视录影器 detection 侦测 ...


1.Right now, it more often feels pke lurking in a spooky alley with a surveillance camera overlooking the scene.而现在网络,更象一个有着摄像头监视的有鬼的小巷子。

2.This surveillance camera kept rolpng inside one possible twister in Indiana as the tin roof came off a barn and a boat went airborne.印第安纳州一个摄像头一直在可能爆发的龙卷风内转动。一个谷仓的锡制屋顶被吹下来,一艘船只也在空转。

3.In Nantong city, Jiangsu Province, this was a case with repable proof captured on a surveillance camera.在江苏省的南通市,有一个被监控摄像机捕捉到可靠的证据的实例。

4.Replace the lens of those quadrate surveillance camera into a small monitor to play tv shows continuously.把方形的那种监控摄像机镜头前玻璃换成一个小屏幕,持续播放电视节目。

5.Posters of the Marines and Green Berets, a TV, a VCR, and a surveillance camera attached to wall above door.舰队海报和绿色贝蕾帽,一部电视机,一部录像机和门口上方的墙上安着的一个监控摄像头。

6.The system uses fixed surveillance camera which covers a certain area, and two ultra-active stereo cameras.这种系统使用一些固定的监视摄像机,每一个都覆盖一个特定的区域,还使用两个非常敏感的立体声摄像机。

7.Use a surveillance camera if necessary to obtain natural and spontaneous behavior.如果需要拍摄自然的或无约束的举止,可以使用监视器。

8.The surveillance camera caught the group as it entered but everyone took off after an alarm sounded.由监视录像可以看到几名肇事者进入博物馆,并在警铃响起后逃逸。

9.He returns later to pick up the laptop, which is caught on the surveillance camera, to take home for analysis after saving the capture file.稍后他返回取走了电脑(被监视器捕捉到),在保存捕捉文件后拿回家进行分析。

10.Tommy is eventually caught by a surveillance camera leaving a small wiring closet with something under his arm.最终,一个监视器捕获了Tommy在离开一间小配线房时在手臂下藏着某些东西。