





4.后殖民主义论学者司皮佤克 依希佳蕊( Irigaray) 史毕娃克( Spivak) 佛洛依德( Freud) ...

6.史匹娃克并且,根据史匹娃克 (Spivak),越南底层女性能说话吗?如果能,这些声音将以何种方式被听到?


1."IF THE situation here remains unchanged, " warns Avia Spivak, "we'll get the sort of violent protests they had in England. "“如果情况仍然没有发生变化,”阿维亚·斯比瓦克(AviaSpivak)警告,“我们将发动与英国类似的暴力抗议。”

2."Investors have ample reasons to feel jittery, " said Ilya Spivak, currency strategist at Daily FX.DailyFX货币分析师伊利亚-斯皮瓦克(IlyaSpivak)表示“投资者有充分的理由感到紧张。”

3.Spivak also points out that the Subaltern cannot be spoken for.此外,斯皮瓦克还指出了属下不能被代言的问题。

4.A professor of economics at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Mr Spivak was deputy governor of the Bank of Israel until 2006.内盖夫(Negev)本-古里安大学(Ben-GurionUniversity)的经济学教授斯比瓦克曾担任以色列银行副行长一职直至2006年。

5.Three pes in one day! Yet Dick Spivak isjustanordinary man.一天三个谎话之后说道

6.I think it's ideal as a reference and as a supplement to other textbooks (e. g. , Spivak).我觉得它是一本理想的参考书也是对其他教科书理想的补充(例如Spivak)。

7.Yes, but have you read Benita Parry's critique of Spivak and her response?你读过了,可你读过贝尼塔·派瑞对斯皮瓦克的批评,以及她的答复吗?

8.Gayatri C. Spivak, University Professor, Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities, Columbia University, USA斯皮瓦克,美国哥伦比亚大学校级教授、阿瓦隆基金会人文讲席教授

9.The Ethico-poptical Agenda of Postcolonial Criticism: A Case Study of Spivak后殖民批评的政治伦理选择:以斯皮瓦克为例