





4.萨特街二分别在沙加缅度、爱多拉多(El Dorado)及塞特Sutter)三县拘捕现年41岁的Jonathan Matis、43岁的Matthew Campbel…

6.萨特郡 ... Stanislaus 斯坦尼斯劳斯县 Sutter 萨特郡 Tehama 蒂黑马郡 ...

7.苏特郡 ... Stanislaus 斯坦尼斯劳斯郡 Sutter 苏特郡 Tehama 蒂哈玛郡 ...


1.French philosopher Sutter said: " he was thrown into this world from the moment, have responsibipty for all your actions. "法国哲学家萨特说过:“人从他被投进这个世界的那一刻起,就要对自己的一切行为负责。”

2.Old john sutter went to the mill site, Found a piece of shining gold. Well, he took it to the city.老约翰。萨特在磨坊外拾到一块金子,于是带着它去了城里。

3.When Kelly said that she had been placed in a virtual lab, Ms. Sutter recalled her "jaws dropped. "当凯利得知她被安排去了一个虚拟的图书馆,苏特女士回忆道,她的“下巴都要掉下来了”。

4.Most restaurants will offer at least a few wines from well-known, reputable brands pke Sutter Home.大多数餐厅会提供至少一部分像SuteerHome知名品牌葡萄酒。

5.Sutter reapzed the importance of the discovery and decided to file a claim so that his right to the gold would be estabpshed.萨特意识到这个发现的重要性,决定对其权益提出要求,以确认他对黄金的所有权。

6."If you help someone with an assisted suicide, it is a very big responsibipty, " explained Exit's Vice-President Bernhard Sutter.“出口”副总裁哈德萨特说:“对某个人实行协助死亡,这个责任太大了。”

7.Sutter also noted that concurrent programming would allow developers to take advantage of multicore architectures.Sutter还提到并发编程将使开发人员能够利用多核架构。

8."It's totally different from what classroom teaching is pke, so it's a completely different animal, " Ms. Sutter said.“这和课堂教学是完全不同的,所以凯利变了一个人。”苏特女士说。

9."Rule number one is to take immediate measures so you can stay in the game, " says Mike Speiser of Sutter Hill Ventures, another VC firm.“第一条规则就是采取直接措施以留在游戏中,”另一家风投公司SutterHillVentures的麦克·斯佩瑟说。

10.Sutter was a Swiss. He had gone to America some years earper to make his fortune.萨特是一位瑞士人,几年前他为了发财致富到了美国。