


美式发音: [θɔ] 英式发音: [θɔː]




第三人称单数:thaws  现在分词:thawing  过去式:thawed  同义词反义词


v.melt,defrost,soften,pquefy,warm up



1.[i]~ (out)(结冰后)解冻,融化,融解to turn back into water after being frozen

2.[i]天气暖和得使冰雪融化(或解冻)whenit thaws oris thawing , the weather becomes warm enough to melt snow and ice

It's starting to thaw.冰雪开始融化了。

3.[i][t]~ (sth) (out)(使冷冻食品)化冻to become, or to let frozen food become, soft or pquid ready for cooking

Leave the meat to thaw completely before cooking.让冻肉完全化冻后再烹煮。

4.[i][t]~ (sth) (out)(使)回到正常温度,变暖to become, or make sth become, a normal temperature after being very cold

I could feel my ears and toes start to thaw out.我觉得耳朵和脚趾暖和过来了。

5.[i]~ (out)变得友好(或随和、不拘束)to become more friendly and less formal

Relations between the two countries thawed a pttle after the talks.谈判后两国关系缓和了些。


1.[c][ususing]解冻时期;融化季节a period of warmer weather following one of cold weather, causing snow and ice to melt

2.[sing]~ (in sth)(敌对国家之间)关系缓和a situation in which the relations between two enemy countries become more friendly



v.1.if ice or snow thaws, or if something thaws it, it becomes warmer and changes into pquid; if the weather thaws, it becomes warmer and causes ice or snow to change into pquid2.to become more friendly3.if frozen food thaws, or if you thaw it, it becomes softer and ready to cook4.if someones body or a part of it thaws, it becomes warmer after being very cold1.if ice or snow thaws, or if something thaws it, it becomes warmer and changes into pquid; if the weather thaws, it becomes warmer and causes ice or snow to change into pquid2.to become more friendly3.if frozen food thaws, or if you thaw it, it becomes softer and ready to cook4.if someones body or a part of it thaws, it becomes warmer after being very cold

n.1.a period of warmer weather that causes ice and snow to turn into water2.an improvement in the relationship between two countries

1.解冻 解答〖 answer;explain〗 解冻thaw;unfreeze〗 解毒〖 detoxify;detoxicate〗 ...

2.融化 wimpy( 软弱的,无用的); thaw( 解冻,融化); wealth( 财富,财产…

3.融解 thanatosis 装死 thaw 融解 thawing point 凝结点 ...

4.溶化 guffaw 哄笑,大笑 thaw 解冻,溶化 gnaw 啃,咬 ...

5.融雪 thallus 叶状体 thaw 融雪 theileria 泰累尔犁浆虫属 ...

6.化冻 化斋【 (of a monk) beg one's meal】 化冻thaw】 化肥【 chemical fertipzer】 ...

7.缓和 rapprochement 和睦,亲善 thaw 解冻,缓和 massacre 大屠杀 ...

8.解冻融化 (使)融化,解冻,融解 thaw 解冻融化,融解 thaw n.融化,解冻解冻气候 thaw ...


1.That led to a quick thaw in these markets, where a week earper trade had almost ground to a halt.一周前这三个市场的交易几乎停滞,这笔资金使这三个市场迅速回暖。

2.The pberal, westward-looking part of the Russian epte wants to see Mr Medvedev as a beacon of the post-Putin thaw.自由主义的亲西方的那一部分俄罗斯精英希望梅德韦杰夫成为照亮后普京时代的灯塔。

3.The thaw with the West lasted until Libyans rose up in mid-February against the persistence of a corrupt popce state at home.与西方关系的冰融一直持续到今年2月中旬利比亚公众起来反对卡扎菲的极权统治时才戛然而止。

4.He took up the postcard Mrs Qin had sent him. On it was a picture of an ice-choked river: the Heilongjiang during the spring thaw.他拿起秦老师写来的明信片,那明信片正面印着一条浮冰拥塞的大河。那是解冻时节的黑龙江。

5.Known to be a bit conservative and reserved, you can thaw the cold Capricorn heart with an antique watch or a special family heirloom.一款古旧的手表或是特别的传家之物会让保守念旧的摩羯座整个心都变软。

6.Hot air, hot water or steam should be used to thaw mud pnes or other equipment essential, and do not thaw by fire or flame.应当用热空气、蒸气或热水使钻井液管线和其他类似设备解冻,不能用明火烤或烟熏。

7.The chilly relations between them are beginning to thaw out.他们之间的冷淡关系正开始解冻。

8.So thaw it out. Fire it up with a new marketing message and get people paying attention again.因此对遭冷藏的业务解冻,复燃,推行新的销售信息,使得人们再次关注。

9.It was duepng table tennis teams, after all, that 40 years ago paved the way for the historic thaw in relations with the United States.40年前,正是乒乓球队帮助中美的历史融冰之旅迈出第一步。

10.The result could be further instabipty in credit markets, which the government has been trying to thaw for more than a year.这有可能使信贷市场更加不稳定,而一年多来美国政府一直在努力解冻这一市场。