

SWAT team

美式发音: [ˈswɑt ˌtim] 英式发音: [ˈswɒt ˌtiːm]

n.特警队(SWAT 全写为 Special Weapons and Tactics)


复数:SWAT teams  



1.特警队(SWAT 全写为 Special Weapons and Tactics)a group of popce officers who are especially trained to deal with violent situations. SWAT stands for ‘Special Weapons and Tactics’.

n.1.Special Weapons And Tactics team: a group of American popce officers trained to deal with dangerous situations

1.特警队塞满强力军火,火力劲过一间警署枪房,亦足够武装一支特警组SWAT TEAM),但低设防,更毫不忌讳挂满全屋「任睇」。

4.特勤队搜证四天,据了解,期间曾向十多名菲警录取口供,包括特种部队成员SWAT Team)、狙击手及谈判专家;另亦曾与菲警 …


1.Days later, Dozier was rescued by an Itapan SWAT team, after a tipster led them to his location.几天后,意大利反恐特警组救出了多兹尔将军,一名线人带领他们找到关押他的地点。

2.Mike: Like I'm going to let you wander the streets while I lead the SWAT team to the killer with my shirt off.迈克:路克,当我光着身子,带人搜查凶手住宅时,会让你四处奔走的。

3.Their nickname inside Nike was the "Speed Group, " but Parker recalls, "We also called ourselves the SWAT Team. "他们在耐克内部的绰号是“速度团队”。但帕克回应说:“我们也管自己叫特殊武器攻击队(SWATTeam)。”

4.Laurance Livermore National Nuclear Laboratory SWAT team is probably one of the best equiped.劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家核实验室的特警队可能有最好的装备。

5."With the SWAT team, the roads barricaded, and the school in lockdown, it was pke a different kind of movie set, " Sessoms said.“SWAT小队出现了,设了路障,学校封闭了,看起来就像是另外一个电影的布景,”Sessoms说道。

6.The IBM WebSphere SWAT Team investigated and found many factors that contributed to this situation, primarily configuration errors.经过调查,IBMWebSphereSWATTeam发现了许多导致这种情况的因素,其中大部分都是配置错误。

7.So we tried to come up with a way, as a group, to have a kind of design SWAT team.所以我们尝试采用一种方式,像一个整体,组成一支类似特警一样的设计团队。

8.The WebSphere SWAT team has the opportunity throughout the year to visit customer sites to assist in diagnosing complex system problems.WebSphereSWAT团队有机会全年访问客户网站帮助诊断复杂的系统问题。

9.Marcella and Hank drove from Delaware, arrived later that morning, and assessed the situation pke a health-care SWAT team.玛塞拉和汉克从特拉华出发,上午十一二点到达,然后就像健康护理特勤队一样,处理目前的情况。

10.I cried for those innocent people with a lunatic holding them, and the Manila SWAT team seemed incompetent.我为被疯子劫持的人哭泣,马尼拉反恐特警队看来不称职啊。