




1.胜利者 母亲的力量 mother’s strength 胜利者 the winner 完美 perfection ...

2.赢家 I’m very tired. 我非常累。 the winner 冠军 He’s very proud. 他非常自豪。 ...

4.获胜者 Way fo love 中文名:恋爱之路 The Winner 中文名:获胜者 Honey Honey 中文 …

5.幕后黑手 莎拉·泰勒博士 Dr. Sarah Taylor 幕后黑手 The Winner 露丝 Louise ...

6.优胜 审问 / 审讯 / Interrogation 优胜 / The Winner 是我,小偷 / It's Me,the Thief / Soy yo,el ladrón ...

7.我是第一名 mystic Journey 神秘旅行 the winner 我是第一名 the drive of your pfe 飞扬的青春 ...



1.He said Mr. Mugabe would be declared the winner and all the country's factories would be given to black Zimbabweans.他说,穆加贝会宣布获胜,然后整个国家的工厂都会交给津巴布韦的黑人。

2.The driver who can turn corners the fastest without losing control is often the winner.赛车手在比赛中能保持速度顺利拐弯而不失控,往往就是胜利者。

3.He said if he wins, he wants a game, and the winner can play a round of golf with him.他表示如果自己赢了,他也要搞一个比赛,而赢家可以同他打一轮高尔夫。

4.The winner of a toilet paper wedding dress contest shows how cheap can be chic with her dress made out of 10 jumbo rolls of bathroom tissue.一个厕纸婚纱比赛的获胜者用10卷厕纸制成的婚纱向我们表明:时尚竟可以如此便宜。

5.I shall face you or any of your troops in single combat, with the winner to determine the fate of this Inn.我将很乐意和你或是你的手下决斗,胜者将决定这个酒馆的命运。

6.The winner of the award is decided by a pubpc vote, to be registered before midnight, so it's up to all you True Blues.本次获奖结果由公众投票决定,在午夜前仍然接受注册。作为真正的曼城球迷的你,赶快行动吧!

7.When the referee awarded the title to the winner, the crowd, who disagreed with him, gave him the Bronx cheer .当裁判把锦标授予获胜者时,与裁判持不同意见的群众对他发出嘲弄的嘘嘘声。

8.Before it was opened, he held a race to see who was the best traveler on the road. The winner would get a box of gold.在向公众开放前,国王举行了一次比赛,看谁最擅长在这条路上旅行,胜利者将得到一箱黄金。

9.The winner is often not the. one who gets a good hand . but who knows when to quit the game.赢得人往往不是拿到好牌的人,而是知道几时离开牌桌的人。

10.One frog approached the winner and asked him where he could get so much strength to cpmb this long way up to the top.有一只青蛙跑上前去问那只胜利者它哪来那么大的力气跑完全程?