




1.游泳课use)、《甜蜜草原》(Sweetgrass)、《游泳课》(Swimming Lessons),以及童书《乌龟的夏天》(Turtle Summer) …

2.学游泳 ... 水上游戏 Water Sports 学游泳 Swimming Lessons 游泳竞技 Swimming Event…

3.一生受益的游泳课 ... Swimming 游泳 Swimming Lessons 一生受益的游泳课 On Swimming Teaching in the College 高校游泳教 …

4.游泳授课 ... 拍子 racket 50 rmb/hr/pc 游泳授课 swimming lessons 200rmb/hr/pax 儿童 child 20rmb/hr ...

5.游泳课程 Thai Boxing 泰拳 Swimming Lessons 游泳课程 Swimming 游泳 ...

6.泳会举办课程简介 ... 香港地利根德阁会所 Treguntar Clubhouse 泳会举办课程简介 Swimming Lessons 泳班资讯 Swimming Progr…


1.She arranged for her son to take swimming lessons during the summer vacation.她安排儿子暑假上游泳课。

2.Today is the ninth day to go swimming, should swimming lessons is going to end.今天是去游泳的第九天,转眼间游泳课程就快要结束了。

3.They gave swimming lessons and dance classes and strengthened their connection to the country where they were born.她们给孩子们上游泳课和舞蹈课,加强了自己与出生国之间的联系。

4.In the spirit of setting up family rituals from day one, we enrolled our eldest son in swimming lessons when he was 6 months old.一开始本着设立家规的精神,在大儿子满6个月我们就给他报了游泳班。

5.Swimming lessons, he explains, teach the very smallest to undress and dress themselves, which many have never tried.他解释说,游泳课可以教会那些特别小的孩子自己穿衣服,其中不乏从未涉足过穿衣界的新手。

6.Anna used to take swimming lessons with my sister.安娜过去常和我妹妹一起修游泳课程。

7.The summer hopday is coming, and the mother has arranged her son to have swimming lessons.暑假快到了,母亲已安排让她儿子去上游泳课了。

8.It only runs on flying lessons, refused to swimming lessons and crawpng lesson, lesson.它只上飞行课,拒绝上跑步课、游泳课和爬行课。

9.I have swimming lessons three times a week.我一个星期上三堂游泳课。

10.the poor kids that couldn't swim had to take swimming lessons!根本不会游的孩子,则要接受培训!