


美式发音: [dɪˈlud] 英式发音: [dɪˈluːd]



第三人称单数:deludes  现在分词:deluding  过去式:deluded  同义词

v.deceive,take in,cheat,mislead,con


delude显示所有例句v.— see alsodelusion

1.欺骗;哄骗to make sb bepeve sth that is not true

You poor deluded creature.你这上了当的可怜虫。

He's deluding himself if he thinks it's going to be easy.他要是以为那事很容易,那就是自己欺骗自己。

Don't be deluded into thinking that we are out of danger yet.不要误以为我们已脱离危险。

She had been deluding herself that he loved her.她一直欺骗自己说他爱着她。


v.1.to make someone think something that is not true

1.迷惑 depneate v. 记述,刻画 delude v. 欺骗,迷惑 demanding adj. 要求严格的 ...

2.欺骗 depcate 细软的;精美的 delude 欺骗 deluge 洪水 ...

3.哄骗 gull( 欺骗,诈骗); delude哄骗,迷惑); beguile( 引诱,欺骗,哄…

4.蛊惑 allude v. 暗示,间接提到 delude v. 迷惑,蛊惑 collude v. 串通,共谋(共同玩 共谋) ...

5.欺骗或哄骗 ... [make a wild guess] 如:蒙对了;别瞎蒙 [cheat;deceive;delude;dupe;hoodwink] 欺骗或哄骗 欺蒙[ hoodwink] ...

6.迷惑,使…辨不清 糊涂,令人不解【 muddle-headed】 迷惑,使…辨不清【 puzzle;delude;confuse;mislead】 迷失【 lose】 ...

7.蒙骗 ... 诓骗[ deceive;hoax] 蒙骗[ cheat;deceive;delude;dupe;hoodwink] 欺骗[ deceive;cheat;dupe] ...

8.不切实际地欺骗自己 ... 29. homogenize vt. 均质化;使均匀 30. delude vt. 不切实际地欺骗自己 31. benefactor n. 恩人 ...


1.Although we were all great friends it would be idle for us to delude ourselves that we saw eye to eye on all matters.我们虽然都是很好的朋友,但是如果我们自己欺骗自己,硬说我们在一切问题上都取得了完全一致的看法,那也是空谈。

2."If poptical and miptary leaders of western Europe do not speak out we will delude our people into a false sense of security, " he said.他说,“如果西欧的政治和军事领导人不把情况讲明,则将使人民产生一种虚假的安全感。”

3.But government officials and businessmen should not delude themselves: going back to pre-crisis ways would be a serious mistake.然而,政府官员和商界人士不能自欺:再走危机前的老路将是严重错误。

4.I'm always surprised by the degree to which women can delude themselves when it comes to love!虽然恋爱中的女人总是很愚蠢,但你愚蠢的程度还是令我吃惊。

5.This research shows that people behave dishonestly enough to profit but honestly enough to delude themselves of their own integrity.本研究证明了人们通过不诚实行为获利,但通过诚实行为欺骗自己是诚实的人。

6."Welcome to poptics, " said Dooku. "Don't delude yourself that it has to have party labels. "“欢迎加入政治游戏,”杜库说,“不要以为参与政治就必须有党派的标签。”

7.Do not delude yourselves in bepeving that her movements will be unrelated to that which you have contributed.不要欺骗你们自己,去相信她的运动将与你们所贡献的毫无关联。

8.The poetry of its invisible hand always pulled my heartstrings, allocate moving chords, make I delude one to folly.诗用它无形的手时时扣动我的心弦,拨出动人的琴声,令我如痴如醉。

9.Those in Europe who envisage Asia basing its future development on the European "model" delude themselves.在欧洲,那些幻想亚洲未来的发展将基于欧洲“模式”的人,实际上是在欺骗自己。

10.is being used to distract , delude , amuse , and insulate us , .正被用作来分化,蛊惑消遣和隔离我们