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adj.1.very accurate or correct

1.完全正确的 effectively immediately (裁决)立即生效 dead on 完全正确的,十分精确的 head up there 去那里 ...

2.桃色快感 狐狸贵族 The Family Jewels 致命一击 Dead On 致命新娘 Bride In Black ...

4.十分精确的 effectively immediately (裁决)立即生效 dead on 完全正确的,十分精确的 head up there 去那里 ...

5.完全正确地 ... disabled 残疾的;有缺陷的 dead on 完全正确地 misapgned 未成一条直线 ...

6.完全搭上 ... 23. how long has it been? 已经多久了? 29. dead on: 完全搭上 ...


1.As I looked at him, dead on, his eyes looked directly at me and I heard a tone. The tone seemed to hit me right in the center of my mind.我直直地看着它,他也直视着我.这种声音似乎一下子就击中了我的大脑中枢。

2.Put the word Dead on your forehead before you go out the door. Take it off and say, Im apve again! When you get out of this retreat.所以你们在出发前,先在自己的额头贴上个死字,打完禅再把它拿下来,告诉自己:我又活过来了!

3.After standing there for a whole day, my mom was so dead on her feet that she could not even cook dinner for us by the time we got home.我们在那儿站了一天,回到家的时候,我妈*脚累得要死,连做晚饭也做不动了。

4.for if you do, I shall hit your horse on the head, so that he will drop dead on the spot, and there will be an end of him.假如你再这样说的话,我可要砸碎你这匹牲口的脑袋,叫它当场倒下来死掉,那么它就完蛋了。

5.The dead were placed in a cave cut out of a rock it had shelves to lay out the dead on them.尸体被放置在石洞里,将石块切割成岩床来摆放尸体。

6.And, of course I had no way to verify his story or to try to raise my truck from the dead on my own.当然我也没有办法核实他的“故事”并且也不能让我的卡车晚点退休。

7.Things are often getting so bad - there was a recent article with a catchy name SOA or DOA, where DOA stands for "Dead on Arrival" .事情常常变得如此糟糕——最近有篇文章的名字非常贴切《SOA,还是DOA》,其中DOA代表“死亡之旅(DeadonArrival)”。

8.She said, "You think you had a bad day, you'll never bepeve what happened to me. This morning the milkman dropped dead on our porch. "她说,“你以为你的一天糟糕,你永远不会相信我碰见什么事。今天早晨送牛奶的人倒在咱家的门廊就死了。”

9.Maurizio Gucci, third-generation leader of the fashion business, was shot dead on his way to the office in 1995.这家时尚企业的第三代掌门人毛里齐奥•古奇(MaurizioGucci),1995年在回办公室途中遭枪击致死。

10.Exotic fish lay dead on the bottom of a huge aquarium whose glass front had been blasted away.正面玻璃已被炸毁的巨大水族馆里,产自异国的鱼类已沉尸缸底。