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英文单词:传输控制协议(Transmission Control Protocol);磷酸三钙(Tri-Calcium Phosphate);传输协议



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abbr.1.transmission control protocol

1.传输控制协议(Transmission Control Protocol) 腾达( TENDA) 传输协议TCP/IP 思科( CISCO) ...

4.传输控制通讯协定在传输控制通讯协定 (TCP) 通讯端上设定这个属性不会有任何作用。下列程式码范例会示范 MulticastLoopback 属性的用法。


1.Represents the server TCP port that this connection targeted if it were a connection using the TCP transport.如果此连接使用TCP传输,则显示该连接的目标服务器的TCP端口。

2.As you know, TCP dynamically calculates timeout based on the round-trip time measured by TCP.正如您所知道的,TCP根据所测量的往返时间,动态地计算超时。

3.TCP seems to be an alternative to iliac crest bone grafting in corrective osteotomies of the distal radius.结论:磷酸三钙在桡骨远端截骨术中可能是髂骨移植物的一种替代物。

4.Therefore, each inline image on the Web page means that there must be a separate TCP connection and a repetition of that same process.因此,网页中的每个内嵌图片都意味着必须有一个单独的TCP连接,并且重复着同样的过程。

5.Object-oriented approach has been used in Network communication module to encapsulate TCP, UDP protocols to transfer network message.网络通讯模块采用面向对象(OO)技术对TCP、UDP协议进行封装,以消息形式通过网络传输客户端与服务器端的交互信息。

6.It is possible to run the system-wide instance and the private instances in parallel, as long as they do not use the same TCP ports.只要他们不使用同样的TCP端口,有可能并行运行全系统例子和人例子。

7.Most TCP sessions start with one endpoint sending a SYN packet, to which the other party responds with a SYN -ACK packet.我们知道,绝大多数的TCP会话的建立,都是通过一端先发送一个SYN包开始,另一方则回发一个SYN-ACK包的过程。

8.Examples of protocols are TCP, UDP, ICMP, comma-delimited list of any combination of these three protocols and ALL (for all protocols).协议示例有TCP、UDP、ICMP、用逗号分隔的任何这三种协议的组合列表以及ALL(用于所有协议)。

9.The simplest form of a TCP port scan is to open a connection to all ports on a host.TCP端口扫描的最简单形式是打开一个到主机所有端口的连接。

10.TCP connection to which the sender has not responded is called a "half-open" TCP connection.一个发送方不反应的TCP连接被称为“半开”TCP连接。