


美式发音: [ˌaɪ pi ˈoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌaɪ piː ˈəʊ]


英文单词:首次公开募股(initial public offering);首次公开发行;首次公开招股




1.(公司股票的)首次公开发行,上市initial public offering (the act of selling shares in a company for the first time)

abbr.1.【经】(=initial public offering)(股票的)首次公开上市

abbr.1.[Economics](=initial public offering)

n.1.initial public offering: an occasion when stock in a company is first sold to the public

1.首次公开募股(initial public offering)今年IPO过会率78% 176家企业闯关成功 今年IPO上会数 …

3.首次公开招股以首次公开招股IPO)活动集资额计算,香港为世界第四大市场,2009年香港IPO市场的集资额则是全球称冠。作为公认的国 …

4.首次公开发行股票施首次公开发行股票(IPO), 并于2011年4月20日在美国纳斯达克证券交易所挂牌上市.根据开曼群岛及美国特拉华州法律,本公司 …

5.上市上市资讯网是中国唯一的一家上市Ipo)综合门户网站,由大中华地区最专业的Ipo咨询顾问美信咨询运营。本网站主要为拟上 …

6.首次公开上市首次公开上市(IPO)企业财务大检查,让主要靠做上市前项目(Pre-IPO)的创投机构(VC/PE)有些窘迫。证监会最新数据统计显示,截 …

7.香港首次公开募股过香港首次公开募股(IPO)筹资3.11亿美元,并于11月30日在香港交易所挂牌上市。根据合约细则,中国黄金国际资源有限公司 …


1.He said Louis Dreyfus, the family owned trader looking for a sale or IPO, would be a good complement.他表示,寻求出售股权或进行IPO的家族控股交易公司路易达孚(LouisDreyfus)将与嘉能可形成良好的互补。

2.One person close to the company stressed that this "absolutely signals that there is no IPO" on the cards for Alibaba.一位接近该公司的人士强调,这“绝对表明了阿里巴巴目前无意IPO”。

3.He said once the number of IPOs making it to the market reaches about 200 a year, its willingness to take on risk will be too high.他说,一旦IPO的数量达到每年200家左右,承担风险的意愿就会太高了。

4.has been a controversial one, as many across Silicon Valley and Wall Street say that investors are being taken in by a new Internet bubble.不过LinkedIn此次IPO也充满了争议,硅谷和华尔街的很多人都说投资者被一个新的互联网泡沫所蒙骗。

5.New shares, sub-IPO seems to be hot forever two cities, almost every one will be the performance of new shares Quotes times.新股、次新股似乎是两市永远的热点,几乎每一轮行情次新股都会有所表现。

6.Even if the size of the IPO surpasses that of ICBC, it still falls short of the bank's goal to raise as much as $30 billion.即使农行IPO规模超过工商银行,仍没有达到该行筹集至多300亿美元的目标。

7."In the lead-up to the IPO, " he said, "there is little indication that this contradiction is diminishing in a significant way. "“在首次公开发行(IPO)筹备过程中,”他表示。“没有什么迹象表明,这种矛盾正明显消失。”

8.Volumes were exceptionally heavy as hedge funds, which had bid aggressively for IPO allocations, sought to turn a quick profit.成交量格外强劲,此前大举认购首次公开发行(IPO)分配的对冲基金希望快速锁定利润。

9.The company has both scale and a strong brand, says Lise Buyer, a Silicon Valley-based IPO consultant.硅谷的一位IPO顾问拜尔(LiseBuyer)说,Facebook既有规模,又有品牌。

10.The big question for IPO investors this week won't be which deals to invest in, but how many actually make it out the door.周对青睐首次公开募股(IPO)的投资者而言,最大的问题不在于应当投资于哪笔交易,而在于有多少IPO真正得以进行。