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英文单词:上止点(top dead center);香港贸易发展局(Trade Development Council);表格化数据控件(Tabular Data Control)



1.上止点(top dead center) TDC 技术资料中心 TDC 上死点 TDC 时间数据卡 ...

3.香港贸易发展局(Trade Development Council)绑定技术(Data binding)和表格数据控件TDCtabular data control)访问有限定符文本文件,以HTML文件为模板显示数据…

5.密度曲线(time density curve) …


1.The TDC continued to facilitate trade through market intelligence, trade matching and an expanding range of e-commerce applications.透过提供市场情报、进行商贸配对,以及扩大电子商业应用服务的范围,贸易发展局继续促进本港贸易。

2.TDC, a Danish telecoms operator, has bundled such a service with its broadband connections.丹麦的一家电信运营商TDC就为其宽带连接业务绑定了这种服务。

3.TDC, a Danish telecoms operator, bundles access to a music service with its broadband packages.一家丹麦的电信运营商,在其宽带套餐中打包加入了音乐服务。

4.This spark must occur near the end of the compression stroke, as the position approaches top dead center (TDC).火花应该在接近压缩行程终了的时候产生,即活塞位于接近上止点(TDC)。

5.In particular , the views , comments and opinions expressed in the SME Forum do not represent the views of or any endorsement by TDC .尤其是,中小企业论坛上表达的意见、评论及看法并不代表贸发局的意见或经贸发局认可。

6.By the time the piston reaches TDC, the mixture hAS been compressed to AS little AS one-tenth of its original volume, or even less.当活塞到达上止点时,可燃混合气被压缩到只有原体积的十分之一,甚至更少。

7.Earlier this year more than two-fifths of TDC Play users told Megafon, a pollster, that they were downloading fewer illegal files.据今年早些时候Megafon(民意调查公司)的调查,五分之二的TCD用户减少了非法文件的下载。

8.Growing mostly plants during the primary stage, TDC installed the largest and most comprehensive undertaking of land in eastern Taiwan.创社初期,台拓在台湾东部设置最多、面积最大的事业地,栽种的植物也最多。

9.This paper describes the Multiplex Time-Digit Conversion (TDC) system used in Electron Energy Loss Coincident Spectrometer (EELCS).介绍了用于原子分子实验的电子能量损失符合谱仪中的多路TDC系统。

10.stroke. As the piston reaches TDC on the compression stroke, an electric spark is produced at the spark plug.当活塞到达压缩行程的上止点时,火花塞产生电火花。