




1.远古世界 薄伽伐蒂( Bhogavati) 远古世界The Ancient World) 不再是傀儡( Puppet No Longer) ...

2.古代世界 the Western World. 西方世界 the ancient world. 古代世界 ...

3.古老世界 薄伽伐蒂( Bhogavati) 古老世界The Ancient World) 遗迹( Remna…

4.古老的世界 ... * Which is the biggest city in the world? 世界上最大的城市是哪个? * the ancient world 古老的世界 ...

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6.古付世界W.斯文(Joseph Ward Swain)在《古付世界》 (The Ancient World)一书中说:多利孜人入侵后的三万年,约为公元前 11-9 世 …


1.He began the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple, one of the 'Wonders of the Ancient World' to win over the Jews.他开始了对耶路撒冷圣殿(古代世界的奇迹之一)的重建,以此来笼络犹太人。

2.In its day, it was one of the greatest books to survive from the ancient world.在它的日子里,那是从古代世界幸存下来的最伟大书籍之一。

3.The Great Library of Alexandria was one of the two most important pbraries of the ancient world.亚历山大图书馆是古代世界最重要的两座图书馆之一。

4.The Great Pyramids of Giza are the only surviving structures from the original seven wonders of the ancient world.大金字塔是原古代七大奇迹中唯一入选的建筑。

5.The modern world is the child of doubt and inquire, as the ancient world was the child of fear and faith. --Darrow.现代世界是怀疑和质疑的产物,古代世界是恐惧和笃信的产物。--达罗。

6.Throughout the ancient world, China was the only country with prosperous and continuous jade culture lasting 8000 years.纵观人类世界玉文化的发展历程,只有中国的玉文化延绵八千余年,至今长盛不衰。

7.It was to have an important destiny in the nineteenth century, but it occupied a relatively marginal position in the ancient world.它在十九世纪举足轻重,但是在古代世界,它只佔有比较边缘的地位。

8.Send them on, this is what you do in the ancient world, you give a messenger--there's no post office you know.送他们继续上路,在古时候就是这样,你派出一个信使,那时是没有邮局的。

9.to possess one another, they risk high stakes, even pfe itself. In the ancient world this happened only, if at all, in adultery.为了能彼此结合,双方甘冒很大的危险,直至拿生命孤注一掷,而这种事情在古代充其量只是在通奸的场合才会发生。

10.Now it might help you to know there that angels in the ancient world are often depicted as androgynous, as not being sexual.也许能帮助你们理解,天使在古代常被描述成雌雄同体,没有性别之分。