




1.大国男儿大国男儿the boss)今年3月才出道的,个人觉得不错…评论| sistar 和 香草路西 (最新的了)评论| 2PM 2AM browneyesgirl …

2.老板费德勒老板The Boss)瑞士快车、奶牛 费什单身汉(The Bachelor)无 哈斯牛人(The Stud)无 亨曼好男人(The Good Gu…


4.老大 《黑手党老大(The Boss)》是一款2010年出版的游戏,下面让我们一起来关注一下游戏的部分信息:游戏背景:   美国各大城市 …

5.大老板《大老板》(The Boss),来自Blackrock Editions游戏公司,前16名购买玩家将获得一套签名书签;《太阳、大海和沙滩》(S…

6.引领者的情况下痛杀恩师引领者The Boss),这让他对“什么才是真正的爱国者”这个问题进行了更深刻的思考,之后他的行动都是在 …

7.胖老板处5、胖老板处(The Boss)一番恐吓后被赶出来,Get右垃圾桶的破罐,Look窗户,Talk保镖。


1.This meant going a long way out of my road home, so I looked up and said to the boss: "Do you know I finish at two on Tuesday? "这就是说我必须要多绕很长一段路才能回家,于是我抬头看著老闆说:「你知道我星期二是两点下班吗?」

2.The boss is still angry with you for speaking out of turn at last week's meeting.你在上个星期的会议中发言失当,老板还在生你的气呢。

3.The boss asked how much per kilogram.老板问他每公斤多少钱。

4.I'd pke to know how much the boss pay for his telephone bill each month?我想知道老板每个月的电话费大概是多少?

5.As you know, this happens in almost every business, if not by the boss, then a manager or employee.你是知道的,这种现象几乎每笔生意都会发生,如果不是老板所为,就是经理或者雇员所为。

6.He got off on the wrong foot when after working there only a week, he asked the boss for a day off.他在那仅干了一星期就向老板要求休息一天,真是一开始就给人不良印象。

7.The boss asked me to take charge of the company when he was on hopday.老板去度假的时候要我来负责公司。

8.Luis was the boss and he would step back and keep a distance if he felt it was needed.路易斯是头儿,必要时,他会和你保持一定距离。

9.The boss laughed and said, "Seems you are powerful. I heard you were not from the central land. " The boss glanced at him.老板笑了,说“看起来你的权力很大啊。我听说你不是从中土来的。”老板瞟了他一眼。

10.Now and then, to sort of flatter the boss, I'd go up to him and ask poptely what such and such a word might mean.为了奉承老板,我不时走到他面前礼貌地问他这个或那个词是什么意思。